Monday, January 3, 2011

Maplestory Moonstone Ring


E siamo giunti al termine di un altro anno cinematografico, e come di consueto mi trovo a stilare un pò un resoconto generale di questa vintage, and the situation in which there is the "world cinema", and everything that goes around. And as always I will also present my personal preferences for the films seen during the past 12 months.

Unfortunately I regret to say that 2010 was a year not too positive, as regards the quality of the products visas, which did not come to reach mountain peaks, and even to glimpse the threshold of "masterpiece." Several excellent films, so many good, and too many forgettable.
But if the cinema has lost a lot in quality over the previous year, and perhaps the one before that, he has won in other ways, absolutely not to be underestimated, especially in these times.

The first, very important for myself, is that you are seen Italian works of de Spain bill, and of great quality as the last film Virzi, "THE FIRST THING BELLA "(among other things contributing to the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film)," HAPPY FAMILY "of Salvatores, and hard" OUR LIFE "by Luchetti and even the imperfect but felt " THE MAN WHO WILL BE '. Films respectable, nice, strong, funny, and in perfect Italian style: a gust of fresh air and live for our cinema, we reported a little outside our borders, and which were felt throughout the world (also the film to be nominated Guadagnino , running for the Golden Globe, and has had great success in America, "I Am Love", but unfortunately I still can not see).
The other positive note instead comes from the purely commercial, and economic ... Because you know, you can say everything, but without money the cinemas do not go, and if people do not go to the movies, then it dies. For this reason, I can be more than happy to see that in several films this year, but especially one in all, have enabled operators to earn pennies varied, but above all to revive the cinema. Of course I am referring to the movie event of the 2010, namely James Cameron's AVATAR : a film that over all faults, has had the great honor to riaffollare a massive halls of every cinema in the World to bring even the most politically dormant in front of the big screen, in an era where DVD, Internet streaming and are killing many special features, the beauty, the charm of the vision at the Cinema ... The only worthy and true opportunity to see a movie in the best way exists. And not only do we have to give credit to our beloved King Cameron about this, but also to have revolutionized and I would say finally, 3D enhanced , Giving half a real purpose, which goes beyond the special effects end in itself, to give the determining factor in the more technical, a notion more in the film grammar, a more enriching to the Seventh Art. I am so proud to spend all these lines for the film (which I remember as a filmettino, with a story so commonplace and "call" to be sick), but that has given so much, really, at the Cinema.

generally one year, therefore, important in these respects, and a little problematic for others, sometimes even alarming. Worrying because they lack the masterworks, film or really beautiful ... Excluding various exceptions ... So many remakes, too. So many sequels, e tante "scopiazzature" fatte male. Manca originalità, manca genialità, manca il coraggio... E le emozioni che muovono le grandi storie. Tanta preoccupazione anche per aver assistito a troppi passi falsi, a cocenti delusioni, arrivate da registi che stimo, che ammiro da una vita, che sono dei Maestri, dei Grandi. Tra questi, hanno miseramente fallito quest'anno, uno dei miei autori preferiti, M . Night Shymalan con il suo pessimo " L'ULTIMO DOMINATORE DELL'ARIA " (sono ancora convinto che non sia un suo film). Il grande Tim Burton che si è tuffato nell'avventura di " ALICE NEL PAESE DELLE MERAVIGLIE " e ne è uscito malamente, confezionando un filmettino sciapo, e triste. L'incredibile vincitore del Leone D'Oro di quest'anno, il film della Coppola , SOMEWHERE ... Un film sbagliato dall'inizio alla fine.
E poi, il film di Peter Jackson , " AMABILI RESTI ": che è davvero un buon film, ma da tale regista ci aspettiamo molto molto di più.

Ma ora passiamo al meglio di quest'annata appena trascorsa, a quei film che hanno sconvolto, mosso qualcosa nel sottoscritto, e che si sono guadagnati ammirazione e un posto di rilievo nella mia personalissima classifica.

Il PRIMO POSTO è stato molto combattuto, perchè, mi I repeat, there was no peak during the 2010, but many good films that have fought to the last the various places of the podium.
the end I chose " Inception " by Christopher Nolan : because it is a powerful film, visually attractive and engaging, exciting and complicated. An imperfect film, below (by far) in previous Nolan "The Dark Knight " but at the same time, a blockbuster author, intelligent, and has the merit of market quality. Few filmmakers have succeeded in the history of cinema to do this, and now Nolan is probably one of the strongest filmmakers e promettenti della nuova generazione americana. Ad oggi il podio se lo merita lui, perchè nessuno come lui, riesce a regalare Cinema ed amore per il grande schermo.

Al SECONDO POSTO , senza essere inferiore al film di Nolan, ma solamente un pò più freddo e con meno meriti, metto il nuovo gioiellino di David Fincher , " THE SOCIAL NETWORK ". Dopo il passo falso con " Il curioso caso di Benjamin Button ", il regista statunitense torna, come sospettavo, a grandi livelli, raccontandoci una storia intrigante ed attuale. Tutto funziona nella macchina cinema di Fincher: una sceneggiatura quasi perfetta (As they had not seen for some time), a montage sharp and functional, a clear picture, icy, impeccable actors in a state of grace, especially the protagonist Eisenberg, who gives his character the whole sdattezza and total indifference of the genes , all the anti-social nerds, all the tics of a boy out of the ordinary, and all of humanity of a man who suddenly found himself alone. And finally, directed by Fincher, the powerful functional Sorkin script, is not allowed to useless virtuosity, but says all the matter in an impeccable way to tell, without falling ever. Probably a "Fourth Estate 'child, this cinematic jewel.

The THIRD PLACE was fairly contested, but in the end, among other titles, won the day the couple's latest effort Scorsese - DiCaprio, Shutter Island . A tense film, by the magical atmosphere and strong. The veteran director still hits the target, and the merit is his own: working on a script does not entirely good, unoriginal and already seen. But it is the way of the story, how does that change the cards in the table: Scorsese shows us with this film as it is essential to the telling image, and how it can solve and make matters interesting, powerful and good quality, even a weak screenplay. A Filmon, all effects.

Among other big-time movies that I had the pleasure of seeing, and do not have too much to inferior to the three first places, if not some small no more, are The Ghost Writer of Polanski, a political thriller, exciting, well shot, from moments of great suspense Hitchcock. AGORA ' of Alejandro Amenabar , a director who has almost never missed a shot, and that ultimately gave us some wonderful examples of great cinema, as his latest product: meticulous and heartfelt essay on a woman's personality, and fought the conflict between religion and science. The comedy IN THE CLOUDS , brilliant, intelligent and thoughtful, directed by Ivan Reitman , now probably the best Hollywood director of comedies! The animated films of Wes Anderson , FANTASTIC MR. FOX , the documentary Guzzanti on the earthquake disaster in DRAQUILA Abruzzo - ITALY THAT TREMA , the Argentine thriller THE SECRET OF HIS EYES , the intimate and exciting CRAZY HEART, with an immense Jeff Bridges , and the always infallible, and I would say, invincible with Clint Eastwood INVICTUS .

And many beautiful sights, like the gem production and successfully Successful BURIED , or CENTURION of Marshall always good, the funny and fun Wartime of Todd Solondz, the first episode of the last chapter in the saga of Harry Potter , Pixar TOY STORY 3 and , Werner Herzog with the hypnotic MY SON, MY SON, W HAT YE HAVE DONE! and other interesting and good products.

I just hope that the coming year will be better, in all ... Especially in quality. For now, the outputs that will come, promising: the return of the best, Spielberg, and then Coen, Weir, Eastwood. But above all struck me most these days, the film that I look for a long, THE TREE OF LIFE , Malick immense. I leave you with the trailer, which is already screaming masterpiece!


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