Friday, January 7, 2011

Eagle Sprt Metal Cores

FILM FILM DECADE DECADE 2000/2010 2010 2000/2010

A decade of Cinema has spent a decade of dreams, emotions, and Life. So I find myself also to draft a list of the personal preferences of these films 10 years, you know those movies that I think are the best films seen, and most important products spawned from Seventh Art during this first period of the new millennium.

In this post, the last 10 positions, from 11th 20.

20 - Monsters, Inc.
Peter Docter, David Silverman, Lee Unkrich
To date, the best film out of the house of animation Pixar (which still does not have a shot never wrong), Monster & Co. is a nice movie, shocking and profoundly innovative: everything is upside down, through a skilful use of the staging, the film tension, and of pure entertainment with great entertainment.

19 -
Elizabethtown Cameron Crowe
did not give any credit to this movie, when I wanted to see him for the first time I thought the usual American comedy, with two Bellucci Hollywood, which at most could be nice and pleasant. Instead, it was the biggest surprise of the decade ... Crowe's film touches the threshold of the masterpiece. A comedy on the road "fun and funny, based on opposites attract, on leave, only to find themselves, about love, family, and all that good we can be in a world marked by always sadness, failure and testing of evidence, on pain and suffering. A blown clean air, a beautiful movie, which is good and makes you smile.

Paul Thomas Anderson
The best film of Anderson, even with his latest effort, There Will Be Blood . Magnolia is a great film, choral, multifaceted life that exudes in each shot. A fresco of the long loneliness and depression of various characters of the reality of all time, driven to escape from their lives, motivated by a desire to meet again and then escape again. Anderson learned the lesson from Altman, and creates one of the most important films of this decade, and more ... Giving the history of cinema one of the most beautiful scenes ever seen, and an author of the best contemporary.

17 - THE Howl's Moving Castle Hayao Miyazaki

The best animation film of all time, the Japanese master Hayao Miyazaki in 2004 gives us this great jewel of cinema: a film of 'animation (Always strictly traditional) against the power of war, which enhances the simple emotions, relations among the humble people, the importance of spirituality in a materialistic era, and I repeat, militaristic. A melodrama of rest, the vast landscapes, and colorful characters and colorful. I bow, and I take off my hat off to Hayao Miyazaki.

Steven Spielberg
Absolutely one of the most underrated films of the decade. A misunderstood masterpiece. A technically perfect film, from sweeping and compelling narrative: visually powerful film SF incredibly wise that reflects all concerns and fears of post-September 11. Another masterpiece by Steven Spielberg.

Tim Burton
"With this film, Burton proves to be a great director choosing the path more difficult for a writer accustomed to the Baroque period and visual richness: working in subtraction, turning in a sober and almost geometric in simple environments to the limits of the examination, entrusting the feelings of the protagonists not to grand gestures or big speeches, but to detail the little things: the looks, the kisses, all ' mentioned and maybe not explicitly and not concluded.
The result is a moving and wonderful that moves the audience to tears with laughter and at the same time, winning in a slow but inexorable. " [Frederick Rounds]
A magnificent film, an homage to the movies and heard his very essence, the ' "8:30" Burton.

14 - Ice Age Chris Wedge

An animated film unique and unrepeatable. One of the cinematic experience most beautiful, funny and hilarious in my life. Ice Age eat a single bite all produced three-dimensional Pixar, and gives us a sight never seen before, with characters, situations and gags in the history of law has now entered the big screen. We laugh to no end, and reflected on the importance of group unity and Tolerance. Undisputed masterpiece!

Terrence Malick
In my charts could not be one of the most important of the Cinema, and one of my favorites of all time. And here is his latest film: a film so great that a critical move is really difficult. Certainly lower than the previous masterpiece of American film, The sottile linea rossa , The New World è comunque un film straordinario e suggestivo, per la sua infinità poeticità, la bellezza delle immagini: un viaggio metafisico e quasi-ipnotico attraverso la scoperta, e tutte le conseguenze che essa comporta.

Nanni Moretti
L'unico film italiano che vedrete presente in questa classifica. E viene direttamente dall'unico grande, e forse più grande in assoluto, regista italiano di questi ultimi anni! Il mitico Nanni qui ci dona il suo film più maturo, dove mette tutto sè stesso e tutto ciò che gli piace: un mix potente, una storia d'amore, a tribute to the Cinema, a political film about Berlusconi. A film that reflects the Italy of our time, wisely, wise and ironic. The best Italian film of the decade.

M. Night Shyamalan
The great and amazing Shyamalan film: a thriller evocative, dark and disturbing atmospheres, which plays suspense and seen and unseen, an intricate network of wires that gradually unfolds in front of the giving the viewer with twists and jerks impressive.
But also, and above all, a human and spiritual film, which highlights the importance of nature, the courage to escape from the corruption of civiltà, il rifugiarsi in mondi idialliaci, dove regnano i sentimenti semplici e puri. Dove però ci sono prove da superare sempre, sofferenze da sopportare e dove la civiltà ti richiama comunque: dove solo l'Amore quindi, tra tutto e tutti, tra passato e presente, tra pazzi e sani, comunque vince e "muove il Mondo".

Nei prossimi giorni scoprirete i PRIMI 10 POSTI della Classifica 2000/2010.

Pace e bene.


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