Saturday, January 8, 2011

Does Hiv Rashes Usually Scab?

And now will make notes instead of my top 10 ranking, the top 10 films that have marked the history of the cinema of this decade now elapsed. Before to state, however, I would like to know also some of the films that I had to discard and not able to insert in the top 20. These include: SEA INSIDE by Alejandro Amenabar, ISLAND Pavel Lounguine, HUNGER by Steve McQueen, PUBLIC ENEMY Michael Mann, MILK Gus Vant Sant, of The Son's Room Nanni Moretti, UNBREAKABLE M. Night Shyamalan.

Here is the hot zone.


The best film ever made on the figure of Christ and His life. Here, especially, Gibson makes the best choice, and that focus on the last days of Jesus' life, its passion, adopting a style raw and violent, but at the same time dignified and spiritually unique. The film by American director is full of strong images, and drenched in love, the true one, that of a man and a God who has sacrificed everything to save himself every single beggar, a human being. The message of Christ's message of love that comes overwhelmingly from blood, splatter every shot, from any explicit violence, and finds strength in the face of a crying woman, in a gesture of a mother who raises their child just dropped in a breaking of the bread, in a detail of a drop falling to earth like a stone. Great cinema, serving the most important stories and beautiful as ever.

Steven Spielberg
Before this film, Spielberg had seen the great (and criticized for this) as a director patriotic American and that's only interested in producing and directing commercial films to meet the huge audiences. With Munich has sealed their mouths at all. He has made a wonderful film, against America, against the moral of every spectator ... A film ruthless, terrible, cruel. More than two hours of cinema superlative unique artistic experience. The sex scene between the protagonist and his wife skillfully alternating the vision of an armed attack, with lots of gunfire and machine guns, that is all a film: the emergence of life that alternates to a world where death reigns. MASTERPIECE!

Steven Spielberg
And there is also still in eighth place Spielberg, with another great film of this decade. Collected the last wishes of the genius of Stanley Kubrick , director jew pick up the story of Pinocchio reinterpreted on science fiction, and makes travel to high peaks, At the Eden Cinema, to those works that go beyond the images, go beyond the simple poetry of an assembly, which go where only the genius can bring. That's why AI is a film of a magnificent one, where every shot is like a line from a poem, where every scene is a feast for the eyes, where each character has a touch of creativity idyllic, where Jude Law leaves us a interpretation of the most beautiful ever taste. The great Spielberg gives us another masterpiece, his last and true and so we fall asleep, after seeing him for the umpteenth time, after that final haunting and sublime, led many images, such as the New York post-apocalyptic underground dalle acque, e una ruota panoramica distrutta, immersa nel fondale degli abissi. Inchiniamoci all'Arte del Maestro.

Christopher Nolan
Tutto ciò che il Cinema dovrebbe essere, eccolo qui nel film di Nolan, l'ultimo dei pochi grandi registi "new-entry" che riesce a far sposare la qualità alla quantità, e cioè la bellezza e la poetica al botteghino, per parlar chiaro. Il cavaliere oscuro è un blockbuster d'autore, e quindi è tutto, è il massimo esempio di cinematografia. Un film potente, complesso, articolato; un'opera d'arte talmente precisa and upsets that almost perfect. It 'also, and above all, a warm farewell and goodbye to a special artist, Heath Ledger: His Joker is now the best interpretation of these years of cinema, and probably the whole story. Divine and sublime, raw and magnetic ... A service of Nolan, and his spectacular, huge, amazing film. The chills. Really shivering in front of this large area.

6 - LAST DAYS Gus Van Sant

Gus Van Sant could not miss in this list. And of course, could not miss his film better than ever: Last Days . Inspired by the last days of life the star of Nirvana, Kurt Cobain, Van Sant's film is actually an elegiac journey in the depths of a soul lost and alone, suffering and at the mercy of Life and Death. A film made of voids, where the director worked on the absence of things, lean on, the poor ... The outside does not count, the viewer must be inside, the protagonist in this crazy, schizophrenic, and discover the holes blacks of the heart, the cries of despair, sobs of desolation, the music that with effort and groans of pain, out of soul destroyed. Highest form of art, the highest ever, in a wonderful film that immerses you and makes you not come out till the end ... Until the soul bare, clean, and finally stripped of Blake is released from that broken body and depressed, and starts to climb to Heaven. Van Sant writes poetry with images, and gives us his masterpiece.


A fifth position is not only for this third episode of the most famous and important film saga ever created. It 's a fifth place going to George Lucas and all that the world he invented and written, to all those people who have made us dream and live incredible adventures, all those stories of wars intergalittiche of Jedi fighting with swords- laser, spaceships, kings and queens, emperors and giant monsters. In short, the third episode of Star Wars is the film that closes a circle that closes a journey that started many years ago and won millions and millions of people around the world, dreams, hopes and emotions. This film is cinema at its core, is pure entertainment ... is simplicity in its most profound complexity, is the eternal struggle between good and evil, is the strength and the power of myth that states and imposes itself in the bare and sad reality. It 's a dream with open eyes. That when it ends, brings out a tear. THANKS GEORGE!

"Dopo circa due anni, al Cinema ho potuto riammirare la forza e la bellezza di un vero Capolavoro. Uno di quei film unici, che capitano raramente e che fanno vivere l'esperienza eccelsa della visione, "l'orgasmo artistico". Into the Wild è questo. Sean Penn prende lo spettatore e lo porta diretto all'essenzialità della Vita, lo trascina nell'eccitante cammino della Libertà, gli mostra gli emozionanti prodigi dell'Amore, lo mette davanti alla Natura Selvaggia, lo mette di fronte alla Luce di Dio. Un on the road spiazzante, un'avventura coinvolgente con uno strepitoso Emilie Hirsch e una splendida Kristen Stewart, una regia versatile, virtue and class, a music alive and strong. A hymn to happiness, truth and spiritual wisdom. " [from my previous post]
no more, a movie too ... too much too

Peter Jackson

Peter Jackson
less than perfect.

Peter Jackson
not have this number first. It is not a priority. E 'as well. Cinema is not, it is more. It is not perfect, is still not an adjective coined, and that will never exist to describe everything with dignity. Dire masterpiece is miserably simplistic. Say no more, because I do not know what to say. I just say thanks to Tolkien, Jackson the king and all his staff, for bringing us this gift. I do not bow, because it would be an insult. Only thanks.

Peace and good.


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