Thursday, January 20, 2011

Herpes Around Nose, Treatment

ROBERTO atall atall

take advantage of these free 2 minutes, among the many annoyances of this period, labor, and not to write the chronicles of the 2 days (15 and 16 January) when we finally had the honor of meeting and hosting our leader Roberto Atalla.

It was some time ago that I should organize this stage, but for many reasons it was delayed ... finally I managed to carve out a weekend, ahead of our trip to the EU's Lisbon!

Saturday morning around 13 we welcomed in the mestre station with a small delegation of welcome made by some of us. Now quick meal and tour the old town of Molfetta, where the mestre took the opportunity to take some photos. Detour to Live (aka Molfettese bar) for a café, and now we start with the first day of internship dedicated to Nogi. The lesson focused on defense against a variety of techniques to finalize ... argument that I have never treated a lot more thinking to train the attack that defense. But Robert has argued, saying that the attack can still be chosen according to their capacity, while the defense can not choose ... must always be full! Good point I think!
The stage, the first day counted the participation of many friends, almost all of my students, the group Modugno, Pino my friend (a veteran of the mat), the inevitable Meo, Graziano has suspended his studies to the his thesis, for a total of twenty people!
finished the stage, Pino brings us to eat in Bisceglie ... bastard! Dany and I remain at spilluccare something, because diet pro Lisbon, while they stuff themselves with meat.
After the evening.

the second day of shopping in the commercial center of Molfetta, after waiting and taken from the Mestre B & B A graduate of Molfetta (... really cute!).
visit and do some shopping and lunch. After a short visit to the new Live and ready for the second day!
defense again, but this time the defense from various locations. I already knew the technical repertoire, but I learned many useful details. The second day was entirely devoted to practice with the kimono and counted once again a dozen people, including our new friend Alex Donatiello, who with his father has endured a trip from Naples to come and meet us and the mestre . Thank you Alex, it was a pleasure to know ya!

Eventually a bit of sparring e. .. surprise! Vito was graduated blue belt! Mestre Thanks!! Vito and good, he deserved some time this belt.

Vito is one of the oldest members of this group, you can say one of the founders, together with Daniela, Luigi, and Meo. It was never removed except for good cause and has always shared everything, good times and difficult times, giving a valid support and all his enthusiasm. More than a student consider it as a full brother.
Bravo Vito, you are finally able to put on a par with other "old "....

Alla fine delle 2 giornate posso dire di aver conosciuto un personaggio davvero straordinario... ciò che colpisce di lui è la sua semplicità e umiltà, oltre ad una grande sipatia. Poca gente, che vanta un curriculum come il suo, si distingue per queste due caratteristiche, il che è stato un esempio che contribuisce a fare del bjj uno sport sano e genuino.

Valeu Mestre e alla prossima!!!


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