Monday, January 24, 2011

Hide My Wall Posts To Others

I, who always smile.

ⓐ ⓝ ⓨ ⓜ ⓞ ⓡ
smile to freedom, the nature
smile, her perfume, its beautiful colors,
smile chasing the youth that is consumed,
smile off to a city that does not react.

smile to those who pretend not to know and looks,
smile to my mother, Judge inquisitor
to my father, Pontius Pilate of the conspiracy,
to my sister who always laughs at me, who knows why ...

smile to my Son, glimmer of hope,
perpetual energy that accompanies me,
tomorrow to cultivate spontaneity to match,
truth to defend.

smile to my Love,
stubborn that guide me in this journey towards the goal;
to him who puts me in the center of his world, the insinuations
incorruptible, bold and worthy warrior
of this place which by right belongs to him.
who loves me unconditionally, or buts, no ifs ...

smile to friends,
attendance discrete but attentive, diligent
need to, inclined to the support, always.
Expert staff, great supporters.
Friends Forever.

I smile because I'm proud of what they are,
smile at my fucking pride, I do not change,
huge smile to my dignity,
will not let me drop style, ever.
smile, knowing that attract envy and jealousy,
smile to mean, the ignorant,
to subtle.

smile to yourself that you're reading
and you know why?
Cause I really want to smile.
smile at the past, present, smile at the future.
I smile because I'm just like.
smile, because despite the blows taken,
continue to love life.

I, who always smile.

ⓐ ⓝ ⓨ ⓜ ⓞ ⓡ Leigh

I have a dream.

ⓐ ⓝ ⓨ ⓜ ⓞ ⓡ
A dream that keeps me alive.
As an artificial lung, oxygenates my days.

My dream is mine alone.
Fa strange turns, between the mountains and the sea.
But we keep coming back and ridiviene chimera.
Come un sole fa capolino tra le nubi bianche e, riscalda l'anima inquieta.
L'accende. La trafigge di splendore.

Il mio sogno è un vestito nuovo ancora da indossare.
Di fattura perfetta, di stile impeccabile, una seta che scivola addosso.
Appeso alla sua gruccia, mi osserva, impaziente di essere adoperato
per l'occasione speciale.

Il mio sogno è solo mio.
Inganna l'inquietudine e accarezza l'indugio,
arresta la menzogna e osteggia la perfidia.
Difende l'essenza.
protect the purity.

My dream is consistency, tangible truth. And 'reality.
My dream is foreshadowing of what must have been completed.

My dream is ours alone.

And, like tightrope walkers tightrope, hoping not to fall,
impudent and continue the arduous journey along the rope of love, giving flashes of astonishment,
and at the same time, lightning of fear.
There is only one strategy, balance, and follow my heart that counsels us to continue.

The goal is always there.
αиумσя ©

Friday, January 21, 2011

2009 Barometric Pressure Readings In Missouri

I, a woman uncomfortable.

ⓐ ⓝ ⓨ ⓜ ⓞ ⓡ

I love the truth, unvarnished.
not tolerate or judgment, even injury.
I have the healthy habit of slamming in my face dissent.
I laugh when I want to.
I cry, when I like, in my solitude.
Love does not beg, nor good feelings. They conquered.

I do not like Louis Vuitton.
I buy what I like. And, I do become a piece of mine.
There are days when I drag myself comfortable in Tutone.
It 's my way to hug me.

I have a vocabulary of wagoner when I enkindled,
but not for this, I lose my femininity.
I like to make love. I need it.
I was an unfaithful woman, if not loved.
Today, I love so exclusive, they are faithful and totalitarian.
I consider myself a lucky woman.
I had men that I have been loved and celebrated.
too much.
I've never left it.
yet, I suffered, I too, love.

I closed many doors,
not reopen EVER.
I never looked back.
I have no regrets, no remorse.
I have no secrets to hide.

I great friends, always there.
I never felt alone,
yet, I love the solitude.
I'm a anti-social
illegitimate daughter of a society that is not mine,
where hypocrisy is the master.
hate rallies and forced religious holidays.

My son is in first place in the ranking of my priorities.
I am a mother too present.
suffer when he is wrong.
Godo to see him happy.

For some women have a cold, cynical, sterile.
Certainly more selfish than some time ago
(forced to give, you only learn to take).
I, I think I'm just a good look at myself.
know the hard work and I know the courage.
I know the fear and pain.
know love and I know that you care,
but I can not do without.

not accept interference from anyone,
advice nor by whom, in life, has lived at least
a small part of my "experiences".
I have always fought, even for small things.
My everyday is a struggle for survival,
yet, I do not miss anything.

For Friends is a wild flower child,
are actually a woman and nothing else.

(αиумσя ©)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Herpes Around Nose, Treatment

ROBERTO atall atall

take advantage of these free 2 minutes, among the many annoyances of this period, labor, and not to write the chronicles of the 2 days (15 and 16 January) when we finally had the honor of meeting and hosting our leader Roberto Atalla.

It was some time ago that I should organize this stage, but for many reasons it was delayed ... finally I managed to carve out a weekend, ahead of our trip to the EU's Lisbon!

Saturday morning around 13 we welcomed in the mestre station with a small delegation of welcome made by some of us. Now quick meal and tour the old town of Molfetta, where the mestre took the opportunity to take some photos. Detour to Live (aka Molfettese bar) for a café, and now we start with the first day of internship dedicated to Nogi. The lesson focused on defense against a variety of techniques to finalize ... argument that I have never treated a lot more thinking to train the attack that defense. But Robert has argued, saying that the attack can still be chosen according to their capacity, while the defense can not choose ... must always be full! Good point I think!
The stage, the first day counted the participation of many friends, almost all of my students, the group Modugno, Pino my friend (a veteran of the mat), the inevitable Meo, Graziano has suspended his studies to the his thesis, for a total of twenty people!
finished the stage, Pino brings us to eat in Bisceglie ... bastard! Dany and I remain at spilluccare something, because diet pro Lisbon, while they stuff themselves with meat.
After the evening.

the second day of shopping in the commercial center of Molfetta, after waiting and taken from the Mestre B & B A graduate of Molfetta (... really cute!).
visit and do some shopping and lunch. After a short visit to the new Live and ready for the second day!
defense again, but this time the defense from various locations. I already knew the technical repertoire, but I learned many useful details. The second day was entirely devoted to practice with the kimono and counted once again a dozen people, including our new friend Alex Donatiello, who with his father has endured a trip from Naples to come and meet us and the mestre . Thank you Alex, it was a pleasure to know ya!

Eventually a bit of sparring e. .. surprise! Vito was graduated blue belt! Mestre Thanks!! Vito and good, he deserved some time this belt.

Vito is one of the oldest members of this group, you can say one of the founders, together with Daniela, Luigi, and Meo. It was never removed except for good cause and has always shared everything, good times and difficult times, giving a valid support and all his enthusiasm. More than a student consider it as a full brother.
Bravo Vito, you are finally able to put on a par with other "old "....

Alla fine delle 2 giornate posso dire di aver conosciuto un personaggio davvero straordinario... ciò che colpisce di lui è la sua semplicità e umiltà, oltre ad una grande sipatia. Poca gente, che vanta un curriculum come il suo, si distingue per queste due caratteristiche, il che è stato un esempio che contribuisce a fare del bjj uno sport sano e genuino.

Valeu Mestre e alla prossima!!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Does Hiv Rashes Usually Scab?

And now will make notes instead of my top 10 ranking, the top 10 films that have marked the history of the cinema of this decade now elapsed. Before to state, however, I would like to know also some of the films that I had to discard and not able to insert in the top 20. These include: SEA INSIDE by Alejandro Amenabar, ISLAND Pavel Lounguine, HUNGER by Steve McQueen, PUBLIC ENEMY Michael Mann, MILK Gus Vant Sant, of The Son's Room Nanni Moretti, UNBREAKABLE M. Night Shyamalan.

Here is the hot zone.


The best film ever made on the figure of Christ and His life. Here, especially, Gibson makes the best choice, and that focus on the last days of Jesus' life, its passion, adopting a style raw and violent, but at the same time dignified and spiritually unique. The film by American director is full of strong images, and drenched in love, the true one, that of a man and a God who has sacrificed everything to save himself every single beggar, a human being. The message of Christ's message of love that comes overwhelmingly from blood, splatter every shot, from any explicit violence, and finds strength in the face of a crying woman, in a gesture of a mother who raises their child just dropped in a breaking of the bread, in a detail of a drop falling to earth like a stone. Great cinema, serving the most important stories and beautiful as ever.

Steven Spielberg
Before this film, Spielberg had seen the great (and criticized for this) as a director patriotic American and that's only interested in producing and directing commercial films to meet the huge audiences. With Munich has sealed their mouths at all. He has made a wonderful film, against America, against the moral of every spectator ... A film ruthless, terrible, cruel. More than two hours of cinema superlative unique artistic experience. The sex scene between the protagonist and his wife skillfully alternating the vision of an armed attack, with lots of gunfire and machine guns, that is all a film: the emergence of life that alternates to a world where death reigns. MASTERPIECE!

Steven Spielberg
And there is also still in eighth place Spielberg, with another great film of this decade. Collected the last wishes of the genius of Stanley Kubrick , director jew pick up the story of Pinocchio reinterpreted on science fiction, and makes travel to high peaks, At the Eden Cinema, to those works that go beyond the images, go beyond the simple poetry of an assembly, which go where only the genius can bring. That's why AI is a film of a magnificent one, where every shot is like a line from a poem, where every scene is a feast for the eyes, where each character has a touch of creativity idyllic, where Jude Law leaves us a interpretation of the most beautiful ever taste. The great Spielberg gives us another masterpiece, his last and true and so we fall asleep, after seeing him for the umpteenth time, after that final haunting and sublime, led many images, such as the New York post-apocalyptic underground dalle acque, e una ruota panoramica distrutta, immersa nel fondale degli abissi. Inchiniamoci all'Arte del Maestro.

Christopher Nolan
Tutto ciò che il Cinema dovrebbe essere, eccolo qui nel film di Nolan, l'ultimo dei pochi grandi registi "new-entry" che riesce a far sposare la qualità alla quantità, e cioè la bellezza e la poetica al botteghino, per parlar chiaro. Il cavaliere oscuro è un blockbuster d'autore, e quindi è tutto, è il massimo esempio di cinematografia. Un film potente, complesso, articolato; un'opera d'arte talmente precisa and upsets that almost perfect. It 'also, and above all, a warm farewell and goodbye to a special artist, Heath Ledger: His Joker is now the best interpretation of these years of cinema, and probably the whole story. Divine and sublime, raw and magnetic ... A service of Nolan, and his spectacular, huge, amazing film. The chills. Really shivering in front of this large area.

6 - LAST DAYS Gus Van Sant

Gus Van Sant could not miss in this list. And of course, could not miss his film better than ever: Last Days . Inspired by the last days of life the star of Nirvana, Kurt Cobain, Van Sant's film is actually an elegiac journey in the depths of a soul lost and alone, suffering and at the mercy of Life and Death. A film made of voids, where the director worked on the absence of things, lean on, the poor ... The outside does not count, the viewer must be inside, the protagonist in this crazy, schizophrenic, and discover the holes blacks of the heart, the cries of despair, sobs of desolation, the music that with effort and groans of pain, out of soul destroyed. Highest form of art, the highest ever, in a wonderful film that immerses you and makes you not come out till the end ... Until the soul bare, clean, and finally stripped of Blake is released from that broken body and depressed, and starts to climb to Heaven. Van Sant writes poetry with images, and gives us his masterpiece.


A fifth position is not only for this third episode of the most famous and important film saga ever created. It 's a fifth place going to George Lucas and all that the world he invented and written, to all those people who have made us dream and live incredible adventures, all those stories of wars intergalittiche of Jedi fighting with swords- laser, spaceships, kings and queens, emperors and giant monsters. In short, the third episode of Star Wars is the film that closes a circle that closes a journey that started many years ago and won millions and millions of people around the world, dreams, hopes and emotions. This film is cinema at its core, is pure entertainment ... is simplicity in its most profound complexity, is the eternal struggle between good and evil, is the strength and the power of myth that states and imposes itself in the bare and sad reality. It 's a dream with open eyes. That when it ends, brings out a tear. THANKS GEORGE!

"Dopo circa due anni, al Cinema ho potuto riammirare la forza e la bellezza di un vero Capolavoro. Uno di quei film unici, che capitano raramente e che fanno vivere l'esperienza eccelsa della visione, "l'orgasmo artistico". Into the Wild è questo. Sean Penn prende lo spettatore e lo porta diretto all'essenzialità della Vita, lo trascina nell'eccitante cammino della Libertà, gli mostra gli emozionanti prodigi dell'Amore, lo mette davanti alla Natura Selvaggia, lo mette di fronte alla Luce di Dio. Un on the road spiazzante, un'avventura coinvolgente con uno strepitoso Emilie Hirsch e una splendida Kristen Stewart, una regia versatile, virtue and class, a music alive and strong. A hymn to happiness, truth and spiritual wisdom. " [from my previous post]
no more, a movie too ... too much too

Peter Jackson

Peter Jackson
less than perfect.

Peter Jackson
not have this number first. It is not a priority. E 'as well. Cinema is not, it is more. It is not perfect, is still not an adjective coined, and that will never exist to describe everything with dignity. Dire masterpiece is miserably simplistic. Say no more, because I do not know what to say. I just say thanks to Tolkien, Jackson the king and all his staff, for bringing us this gift. I do not bow, because it would be an insult. Only thanks.

Peace and good.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Eagle Sprt Metal Cores

FILM FILM DECADE DECADE 2000/2010 2010 2000/2010

A decade of Cinema has spent a decade of dreams, emotions, and Life. So I find myself also to draft a list of the personal preferences of these films 10 years, you know those movies that I think are the best films seen, and most important products spawned from Seventh Art during this first period of the new millennium.

In this post, the last 10 positions, from 11th 20.

20 - Monsters, Inc.
Peter Docter, David Silverman, Lee Unkrich
To date, the best film out of the house of animation Pixar (which still does not have a shot never wrong), Monster & Co. is a nice movie, shocking and profoundly innovative: everything is upside down, through a skilful use of the staging, the film tension, and of pure entertainment with great entertainment.

19 -
Elizabethtown Cameron Crowe
did not give any credit to this movie, when I wanted to see him for the first time I thought the usual American comedy, with two Bellucci Hollywood, which at most could be nice and pleasant. Instead, it was the biggest surprise of the decade ... Crowe's film touches the threshold of the masterpiece. A comedy on the road "fun and funny, based on opposites attract, on leave, only to find themselves, about love, family, and all that good we can be in a world marked by always sadness, failure and testing of evidence, on pain and suffering. A blown clean air, a beautiful movie, which is good and makes you smile.

Paul Thomas Anderson
The best film of Anderson, even with his latest effort, There Will Be Blood . Magnolia is a great film, choral, multifaceted life that exudes in each shot. A fresco of the long loneliness and depression of various characters of the reality of all time, driven to escape from their lives, motivated by a desire to meet again and then escape again. Anderson learned the lesson from Altman, and creates one of the most important films of this decade, and more ... Giving the history of cinema one of the most beautiful scenes ever seen, and an author of the best contemporary.

17 - THE Howl's Moving Castle Hayao Miyazaki

The best animation film of all time, the Japanese master Hayao Miyazaki in 2004 gives us this great jewel of cinema: a film of 'animation (Always strictly traditional) against the power of war, which enhances the simple emotions, relations among the humble people, the importance of spirituality in a materialistic era, and I repeat, militaristic. A melodrama of rest, the vast landscapes, and colorful characters and colorful. I bow, and I take off my hat off to Hayao Miyazaki.

Steven Spielberg
Absolutely one of the most underrated films of the decade. A misunderstood masterpiece. A technically perfect film, from sweeping and compelling narrative: visually powerful film SF incredibly wise that reflects all concerns and fears of post-September 11. Another masterpiece by Steven Spielberg.

Tim Burton
"With this film, Burton proves to be a great director choosing the path more difficult for a writer accustomed to the Baroque period and visual richness: working in subtraction, turning in a sober and almost geometric in simple environments to the limits of the examination, entrusting the feelings of the protagonists not to grand gestures or big speeches, but to detail the little things: the looks, the kisses, all ' mentioned and maybe not explicitly and not concluded.
The result is a moving and wonderful that moves the audience to tears with laughter and at the same time, winning in a slow but inexorable. " [Frederick Rounds]
A magnificent film, an homage to the movies and heard his very essence, the ' "8:30" Burton.

14 - Ice Age Chris Wedge

An animated film unique and unrepeatable. One of the cinematic experience most beautiful, funny and hilarious in my life. Ice Age eat a single bite all produced three-dimensional Pixar, and gives us a sight never seen before, with characters, situations and gags in the history of law has now entered the big screen. We laugh to no end, and reflected on the importance of group unity and Tolerance. Undisputed masterpiece!

Terrence Malick
In my charts could not be one of the most important of the Cinema, and one of my favorites of all time. And here is his latest film: a film so great that a critical move is really difficult. Certainly lower than the previous masterpiece of American film, The sottile linea rossa , The New World è comunque un film straordinario e suggestivo, per la sua infinità poeticità, la bellezza delle immagini: un viaggio metafisico e quasi-ipnotico attraverso la scoperta, e tutte le conseguenze che essa comporta.

Nanni Moretti
L'unico film italiano che vedrete presente in questa classifica. E viene direttamente dall'unico grande, e forse più grande in assoluto, regista italiano di questi ultimi anni! Il mitico Nanni qui ci dona il suo film più maturo, dove mette tutto sè stesso e tutto ciò che gli piace: un mix potente, una storia d'amore, a tribute to the Cinema, a political film about Berlusconi. A film that reflects the Italy of our time, wisely, wise and ironic. The best Italian film of the decade.

M. Night Shyamalan
The great and amazing Shyamalan film: a thriller evocative, dark and disturbing atmospheres, which plays suspense and seen and unseen, an intricate network of wires that gradually unfolds in front of the giving the viewer with twists and jerks impressive.
But also, and above all, a human and spiritual film, which highlights the importance of nature, the courage to escape from the corruption of civiltà, il rifugiarsi in mondi idialliaci, dove regnano i sentimenti semplici e puri. Dove però ci sono prove da superare sempre, sofferenze da sopportare e dove la civiltà ti richiama comunque: dove solo l'Amore quindi, tra tutto e tutti, tra passato e presente, tra pazzi e sani, comunque vince e "muove il Mondo".

Nei prossimi giorni scoprirete i PRIMI 10 POSTI della Classifica 2000/2010.

Pace e bene.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Maplestory Moonstone Ring


E siamo giunti al termine di un altro anno cinematografico, e come di consueto mi trovo a stilare un pò un resoconto generale di questa vintage, and the situation in which there is the "world cinema", and everything that goes around. And as always I will also present my personal preferences for the films seen during the past 12 months.

Unfortunately I regret to say that 2010 was a year not too positive, as regards the quality of the products visas, which did not come to reach mountain peaks, and even to glimpse the threshold of "masterpiece." Several excellent films, so many good, and too many forgettable.
But if the cinema has lost a lot in quality over the previous year, and perhaps the one before that, he has won in other ways, absolutely not to be underestimated, especially in these times.

The first, very important for myself, is that you are seen Italian works of de Spain bill, and of great quality as the last film Virzi, "THE FIRST THING BELLA "(among other things contributing to the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film)," HAPPY FAMILY "of Salvatores, and hard" OUR LIFE "by Luchetti and even the imperfect but felt " THE MAN WHO WILL BE '. Films respectable, nice, strong, funny, and in perfect Italian style: a gust of fresh air and live for our cinema, we reported a little outside our borders, and which were felt throughout the world (also the film to be nominated Guadagnino , running for the Golden Globe, and has had great success in America, "I Am Love", but unfortunately I still can not see).
The other positive note instead comes from the purely commercial, and economic ... Because you know, you can say everything, but without money the cinemas do not go, and if people do not go to the movies, then it dies. For this reason, I can be more than happy to see that in several films this year, but especially one in all, have enabled operators to earn pennies varied, but above all to revive the cinema. Of course I am referring to the movie event of the 2010, namely James Cameron's AVATAR : a film that over all faults, has had the great honor to riaffollare a massive halls of every cinema in the World to bring even the most politically dormant in front of the big screen, in an era where DVD, Internet streaming and are killing many special features, the beauty, the charm of the vision at the Cinema ... The only worthy and true opportunity to see a movie in the best way exists. And not only do we have to give credit to our beloved King Cameron about this, but also to have revolutionized and I would say finally, 3D enhanced , Giving half a real purpose, which goes beyond the special effects end in itself, to give the determining factor in the more technical, a notion more in the film grammar, a more enriching to the Seventh Art. I am so proud to spend all these lines for the film (which I remember as a filmettino, with a story so commonplace and "call" to be sick), but that has given so much, really, at the Cinema.

generally one year, therefore, important in these respects, and a little problematic for others, sometimes even alarming. Worrying because they lack the masterworks, film or really beautiful ... Excluding various exceptions ... So many remakes, too. So many sequels, e tante "scopiazzature" fatte male. Manca originalità, manca genialità, manca il coraggio... E le emozioni che muovono le grandi storie. Tanta preoccupazione anche per aver assistito a troppi passi falsi, a cocenti delusioni, arrivate da registi che stimo, che ammiro da una vita, che sono dei Maestri, dei Grandi. Tra questi, hanno miseramente fallito quest'anno, uno dei miei autori preferiti, M . Night Shymalan con il suo pessimo " L'ULTIMO DOMINATORE DELL'ARIA " (sono ancora convinto che non sia un suo film). Il grande Tim Burton che si è tuffato nell'avventura di " ALICE NEL PAESE DELLE MERAVIGLIE " e ne è uscito malamente, confezionando un filmettino sciapo, e triste. L'incredibile vincitore del Leone D'Oro di quest'anno, il film della Coppola , SOMEWHERE ... Un film sbagliato dall'inizio alla fine.
E poi, il film di Peter Jackson , " AMABILI RESTI ": che è davvero un buon film, ma da tale regista ci aspettiamo molto molto di più.

Ma ora passiamo al meglio di quest'annata appena trascorsa, a quei film che hanno sconvolto, mosso qualcosa nel sottoscritto, e che si sono guadagnati ammirazione e un posto di rilievo nella mia personalissima classifica.

Il PRIMO POSTO è stato molto combattuto, perchè, mi I repeat, there was no peak during the 2010, but many good films that have fought to the last the various places of the podium.
the end I chose " Inception " by Christopher Nolan : because it is a powerful film, visually attractive and engaging, exciting and complicated. An imperfect film, below (by far) in previous Nolan "The Dark Knight " but at the same time, a blockbuster author, intelligent, and has the merit of market quality. Few filmmakers have succeeded in the history of cinema to do this, and now Nolan is probably one of the strongest filmmakers e promettenti della nuova generazione americana. Ad oggi il podio se lo merita lui, perchè nessuno come lui, riesce a regalare Cinema ed amore per il grande schermo.

Al SECONDO POSTO , senza essere inferiore al film di Nolan, ma solamente un pò più freddo e con meno meriti, metto il nuovo gioiellino di David Fincher , " THE SOCIAL NETWORK ". Dopo il passo falso con " Il curioso caso di Benjamin Button ", il regista statunitense torna, come sospettavo, a grandi livelli, raccontandoci una storia intrigante ed attuale. Tutto funziona nella macchina cinema di Fincher: una sceneggiatura quasi perfetta (As they had not seen for some time), a montage sharp and functional, a clear picture, icy, impeccable actors in a state of grace, especially the protagonist Eisenberg, who gives his character the whole sdattezza and total indifference of the genes , all the anti-social nerds, all the tics of a boy out of the ordinary, and all of humanity of a man who suddenly found himself alone. And finally, directed by Fincher, the powerful functional Sorkin script, is not allowed to useless virtuosity, but says all the matter in an impeccable way to tell, without falling ever. Probably a "Fourth Estate 'child, this cinematic jewel.

The THIRD PLACE was fairly contested, but in the end, among other titles, won the day the couple's latest effort Scorsese - DiCaprio, Shutter Island . A tense film, by the magical atmosphere and strong. The veteran director still hits the target, and the merit is his own: working on a script does not entirely good, unoriginal and already seen. But it is the way of the story, how does that change the cards in the table: Scorsese shows us with this film as it is essential to the telling image, and how it can solve and make matters interesting, powerful and good quality, even a weak screenplay. A Filmon, all effects.

Among other big-time movies that I had the pleasure of seeing, and do not have too much to inferior to the three first places, if not some small no more, are The Ghost Writer of Polanski, a political thriller, exciting, well shot, from moments of great suspense Hitchcock. AGORA ' of Alejandro Amenabar , a director who has almost never missed a shot, and that ultimately gave us some wonderful examples of great cinema, as his latest product: meticulous and heartfelt essay on a woman's personality, and fought the conflict between religion and science. The comedy IN THE CLOUDS , brilliant, intelligent and thoughtful, directed by Ivan Reitman , now probably the best Hollywood director of comedies! The animated films of Wes Anderson , FANTASTIC MR. FOX , the documentary Guzzanti on the earthquake disaster in DRAQUILA Abruzzo - ITALY THAT TREMA , the Argentine thriller THE SECRET OF HIS EYES , the intimate and exciting CRAZY HEART, with an immense Jeff Bridges , and the always infallible, and I would say, invincible with Clint Eastwood INVICTUS .

And many beautiful sights, like the gem production and successfully Successful BURIED , or CENTURION of Marshall always good, the funny and fun Wartime of Todd Solondz, the first episode of the last chapter in the saga of Harry Potter , Pixar TOY STORY 3 and , Werner Herzog with the hypnotic MY SON, MY SON, W HAT YE HAVE DONE! and other interesting and good products.

I just hope that the coming year will be better, in all ... Especially in quality. For now, the outputs that will come, promising: the return of the best, Spielberg, and then Coen, Weir, Eastwood. But above all struck me most these days, the film that I look for a long, THE TREE OF LIFE , Malick immense. I leave you with the trailer, which is already screaming masterpiece!

Wedding Quotes For Cards Butterfly


In the coming days will be published in the usual post on the vintage movie guide just ended, and the post of personal ranking of the best films of the decade 2000 / 2010 .

Stay connected!