Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Selling Liquor On Craigslist


I happened several times in recent months, talk with people of my city, who practice martial arts not much time, at most a few years, particularly in disciplines other than my own, about the usual subjects of interest to both the young martial artists today. The usual arguments are those spoken of oramai superabbondantemente sul web, su facebook, su tutti i blog di settore: l'MMA, gli incontri, quale lottatore sia più forte, ecc...

Inoltre, da qualche tempo, sto leggendo sempre con maggiore frequenza, blog di vari personaggi più o meno illustri nel mondo del BJJ, che sostengono con forza, (e aggiungo finalmente!), l'arretratezza e la falsità di tutte quelle discipline, tradizionali o ultra moderne, che si propongono infallibili metodi di difesa personale o peggio, mistiche forme di combattimento.

In particolare, l'attenzione di questi esperti, e con esse la mia, si scaglia sulla figura del falso maestro, that in order to preserve the prestige and authority of its shape, is exempt from competitive comparison, arguing in its favor, the reasons of any kind.

Even worse, there looms the figure of the self-styled expert on modern combat sports, first of all the appointed time MMA.

Just recently, while reading yet another complaint to the Facebook page of these charlatans, and remembering some words exchanged with some guys, I realized just how bleak the reality in my city!

I write these lines with the intent not to join the ranks of experts and athletes, already numerous, shouting as loud as it is appalling state of this discipline in Italy, because I would be repetitive and could add little to what we can already read about.

I stopped to ponder just feel that the situation in my city, because I consider to be one of the first, if not the first in the territory, to engage in these disciplines in a serious way, relying on collaboration of very competent people.

been 10 years since I left the practice judo and I started to devote exclusively to grappling, to the top certainly be approximate and improvised, but then I got worried and look to grow elsewhere and by persons qualified in what I could not find it here.

I abandoned my black belt in BJJ for a white, then blue has recently become ... after 10 years!

I often regret not having had the intelligence to start before this research, because surely I would be hours like anyone else who has practiced real BJJ for 10 years.

But at last the time has not gone totally wasted, and a belt is not fully back the ground gained in many years of practice in other disciplines wrestlers. What matters is having the ability to understand what is best for their growth and taking the right decisions.

All this makes me even more aware of how disarming the situation in Molfetta!

The false teachers are everywhere ... hidden in small boxes, where they train and train, more or less in good faith, or emblazoned with a lot of gyms manifestoni posters and propaganda, which adversely skills which seem improbable!

People who in the past has had some small satisfaction in a discipline, magically becomes master, and even more so, causes the title of expert in MMA (a term that recently began to give me nausea ...), and even worse, causing a sort of brainwashing of its athletes for the confidence that they have in the natural point of reference, are no longer able to discern right from wrong by themselves.

Throngs of young children, some very talented, are jealously kept away from speaking or attending other gyms, so that the difference is plain to see!

Jealousy, obstruction, infantile envy and so on, are the typical behavior of those who know do not know, but still want to look!

This behavior medieval and obscurantist, and cancer for all types of knowledge and development, stifles the spread of these disciplines, even if already abundantly propagated through the network, are not known for nothing if not so very confused.

Honestly, I begin to get enough of this state of affairs.

I wanted an environment where the doors are always open to any gym, where you are not counting the title of champion of the oratory and where there are concerns with his neighbor of stealing technique, rather than stealing members! But things did not and people are so common, that interest in the discipline, but inexperienced, is not able to distinguish the good from the false teacher trainer. People see how many muscles you have, how beautiful the theater or at uniform that ports are the techniques you know to run. He knows that you're "World Champion", but does not know what strange and absurd association, knows that you have won this race, but does not know that you fought in the novice category ... and you were alone.

This is Molfetta ...

I'm not a great teacher, I have never acquire this title, I have never forbidden my children di frequentare un altro gruppo o di partecipare ad uno stage, non ho mai vietato a nessuno di prendere parte ai nostri allenamenti, e non mi sono mai risparmiato di lottare con nessuno davanti ai miei ragazzi. Anzi, ho sempre combattuto in ogni competizione a cui i miei ragazzi hanno preso parte, e non mi sono mai risparmiato di vincere, ma soprattutto di perdere, un incontro davanti a loro, non mi vergogno di fare sparring con loro, e battere la mano sul tatami, quando sono più bravi di me.

Sono solo un agonista che per forza di cose si trova a gestire un gruppo di studio, solo perché non c'è nessun altro che potrebbe farlo al mio posto. Essere un istruttore comporta un insieme of responsibility, both large and small, that I take just for affection and friendship that I have to my kids, and thank them for the satisfaction they give me. But if I had the chance I would devote most of my training, research and competitions.

I hope this serves to vent to open our eyes to some of the guys who, despite themselves, they find themselves the victim of these individuals.

If what you really want is to grow, have the courage to change and do what you think is best for you.


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