Friday, October 6, 2006

Impetigo Annunciation

Serie A contest between the surprises in Augusta league start

A new challenge for the Serie A but already expected to be the biggest race day of the fourth round scheduled for Saturday, October 7.
This is the program in comparison to 17 to Palajonio between the hosts at Augusta, one of the current leaders with maximum points, and the newly promoted Bisceglie, fourth in the standings to -4 from the top and still unbeaten after the first 120 ' campionato.
Se il secondo miglior attacco (14) e la seconda miglior difesa (4) della serie A proverà a centrare un fantastico poker di fronte il proprio pubblico, obiettivo quarto risultato utile per i pugliesi privi però dell’infortunato Diego, dell’indisponibile Pedotti e dello squalificato Lavolpicella.
Trasferta a Terni, sul campo di un Thyssenkrupp (ore 18) reduce da due sconfitte consecutive, per l’altra capolista Alter Ego Luparense, la squadra andata finora in rete per ben 19 volte in 3 gare (nessuna ha fatto meglio) grazie anche al vice capocannoniere della serie A, Sandrinho già a quota 6 goal.
Impegno casalingo (ore 18) per la terza forza del campionato, l’imbattuta LazioNepi stronger best defense in the tournament (3) and opposite to the Saturday serial Romagna still waiting for first victory of its history in Serie A. The official return of the blue
Morgado in the Italian league after a year's experience in Spain and three days of forced stop which forced suspension of the season to date an old 04/05, will be the reason of interest of the comparison between Fas Icoper Montesilvano and Legea Napoli, whose ranking has been moved so far from two draws against internal and Samia LazioNepi Arzignano. Objective
first win of the season for the Marcianise, the largest defense bar (15) that the league will try to give as little as possible (18 hours) at a Rome eager to points go to the far field where a friend, until now, has lost both games played.
will finally sports hall of Catanzaro on neutral ground on which the 16 will be played on a comparison of Reggio Calabria Lab joinery still fasting Perugia wins and one who will try to win their first points of the outdoor season. Remember that the challenge
Samia Arzignano-Ponzio Pescara was held early last Wednesday with the Italian champions to 11-5 on the Abruzzi impostisi thanks to poker Amoroso (top scorer in Serie A this season 06/07) and the doublets Marcio captain and Pinilla. The Venetian will indeed be committed to Sarajevo from Tuesday 10 to Friday, October 13 elimination in square second phase of the UEFA Futsal Cup (Champions League football to five) which also includes Kairat Almaty of Kazakhstan, the Slovak Bratislava as well as the hosts of Partizan.



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