Thursday, October 5, 2006

Blood In The Stoll Symptoms

Skeet : Cainero is the first Italian to win the World Cup

not come in threes. Chiara Cainero, after the world silver and the European title, winning the World Cup. In the final he beat the Slovak and Russian Danka Bartekova Erzdzanik Avetysian, world champion in office. For twenty-eight of Udine is this a season to be framed, no doubt the best of his career. Apart from the trophies offered attendees also won the Olympic Charter, which, no doubt, will bring it to Beijing in 2008 to deal with more tranquility and above all with more chance after his second Olympic experience that's not lucky for four years ago. Athens's definitely a dirty trick played the emotion, now clearly showed improvements both in terms of character than technical. It is no coincidence that in Maribor at the European Championships that this has put the best in the world and has twice taken his revenge sull'Avetysian that had exceeded the World Cup in Zagreb. "The victories are moral," said coach Francesco Fazi "She was reconfirmed at the highest levels. Winning the 96 means it is capable of firing up to for a long time. If we consider that in the final were hard as the plates were made of wood, then you have the distinct feeling that Clare has higher scores in the barrel. In these days then she has been plagued by a lot of back pain. Very good, very good result. And I'm also happy to Katie Swords, today in the final and sixth in the standings. It only needs to train with more continuity to get to the top like Clare. "Champion at the seventh heaven:" I'm so glad. I had a bad start this race because I had physical problems, I gritted my teeth and I closed with a flourish. I am proud to be the first Italian woman in the history of skeet to have won a cup final. I think of the future, not in Beijing is far away, but the next year. I do not know if I will repeat myself at this level, I hope so, yes. For now I want to enjoy this success. "Tomorrow's final Olympic trap and skeet for men who have now played the first 75 piattelli. Nello skeet Ennio Falco รจ secondo ad un piattello dal russo Valeriy Shomin, mentre nella fossa i tre azzurri in gara Eminio Frasca (70/75), Giovanni Pellielo (70/75) e Massimo Fabbrizi (68) sono rispettivamente al quinto e decimo posto.

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