Thursday, October 12, 2006

Easiest Road Test Long Island


Gli Stati Uniti vincono la "Coppa del Canale"

Alla loro seconda partecipazione alla Coppa del Canale E.ON. Hanse, che si svolge a Rendsburg in Germania, gli Stati Uniti grazie alla loro squadra nazionale sono riusciti ad avere la meglio sui padroni di casa della Germania.E’ stata questa una dolce rivincita per l’otto statunitense che ha perso il titolo iridato conquistato nel 2005 ai recenti Campionati del Mondo di Eton, titolo che è andato proprio alla Germania. La Coppa del Canale si è disputata sulla distanza di 12,7 Km nel noto canale di Kiel che come è noto rappresenta una delle vie di comunicazione più trafficate per tutte le navi che si dirigono nel nord della Germania.Facevano parte five of the eight U.S. crew guys who this year won the bronze medal at the World Championships, including the coxswain Marcus McElhenney in its fourth year coxswain Canale.La Cup in Germany has made only one change in the crew reigning World Champion 2006. Thorsten Engelmann has been replaced by Gregor Hauffle because of a little incident which has not yet fully ripreso.La However, Germany had the better of two of the three tests on which it based the famous competition. He won the test in remoergometro about 500 meters and also the sprint race which was held instead on the distance of 400 meters. During this test Germany narrowly missed the record set in Watts in the past year by Britain with 715 watts. Germany won the test with 651.3 Watt.Oltre 150,000 spectators crowded the banks of the canal, to take into account that the town of Rendsburg has a population of about 30,000 people. The event, as was expected, it has attracted people from across the region through two days of live music, various parties, fireworks and of course the main attraction, the Cup eight of the component Canale.Il Britain as Alex Gregory said after the race: "This is my first time here in Rendsburg and are literally fascinated. There are so many people along the channel who support and are having a party for us. It 's amazing. "



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