Thursday, October 12, 2006

Easiest Road Test Long Island


Gli Stati Uniti vincono la "Coppa del Canale"

Alla loro seconda partecipazione alla Coppa del Canale E.ON. Hanse, che si svolge a Rendsburg in Germania, gli Stati Uniti grazie alla loro squadra nazionale sono riusciti ad avere la meglio sui padroni di casa della Germania.E’ stata questa una dolce rivincita per l’otto statunitense che ha perso il titolo iridato conquistato nel 2005 ai recenti Campionati del Mondo di Eton, titolo che è andato proprio alla Germania. La Coppa del Canale si è disputata sulla distanza di 12,7 Km nel noto canale di Kiel che come è noto rappresenta una delle vie di comunicazione più trafficate per tutte le navi che si dirigono nel nord della Germania.Facevano parte five of the eight U.S. crew guys who this year won the bronze medal at the World Championships, including the coxswain Marcus McElhenney in its fourth year coxswain Canale.La Cup in Germany has made only one change in the crew reigning World Champion 2006. Thorsten Engelmann has been replaced by Gregor Hauffle because of a little incident which has not yet fully ripreso.La However, Germany had the better of two of the three tests on which it based the famous competition. He won the test in remoergometro about 500 meters and also the sprint race which was held instead on the distance of 400 meters. During this test Germany narrowly missed the record set in Watts in the past year by Britain with 715 watts. Germany won the test with 651.3 Watt.Oltre 150,000 spectators crowded the banks of the canal, to take into account that the town of Rendsburg has a population of about 30,000 people. The event, as was expected, it has attracted people from across the region through two days of live music, various parties, fireworks and of course the main attraction, the Cup eight of the component Canale.Il Britain as Alex Gregory said after the race: "This is my first time here in Rendsburg and are literally fascinated. There are so many people along the channel who support and are having a party for us. It 's amazing. "


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Pinguecula Disappears


triumphed Telemarket

The championship ends in Rimini for the uncidesima time in history. The Telemarket Rimini also won against the BBC garacinque The Colonie di Maremma Grosseto, completing the Coat inside with a 2-1 win gained in the last inning of the game. Another balanced race, dominated by pitchers in the Maremma, which have already shown the limits put on display in the previous games: defense and attack a little careless at times incisive delicate. A disappointment again was the shortstop Gutierrez, author of a mistake - not classified - that allowed the Rimini inning.Alla take the lead in the fifth end, however, the league - to that seen in five games - is absolutely deserved. While the Grosseto played below their levels, it should be acknowledged to Rimini to be back in these playoffs a real team and have made the most of every opportunity capitatagli. The team of Mike Romano came up with a team spirit that only three weeks ago was far from Grosseto only spotted. Incredible, indeed, the epilogue of the 2006 season if you only think about what has happened in mid-September, when the Rimini is able to enter the playoffs with a flash on the final day, capturing a Grosseto full of reserves and the 'internal Marussich the mountain and thanking the winning Modena extrainning with Godo, rival Pirates for the fourth piazza.Poi, the Romagna, have swept away the champions of Italy Bologna with great authority especially in the batter's box (especially with Buccheri and Chiarini, subdued in the final, but decisive in garaquattro and five), while the Grosseto sported a very good defense (despite the use in the hot Chiarini, one exterior) and a mountain that can compete with superfavoriti Navarro and De Santis. In addition, in the attack (in total less beat Rimini of Tuscans) the sound is always arrive at the right time, as in the epilogue of the last two games (Buccheri valid to 1 / 16 in garaquattro; single Chiarini to 2 / 19 in garacinque). Following the script of the series final in Grosseto garacinque the beat of most of the owners until the eighth inning and decisive (5 apply to 4), wasting a great deal on the bases, in particular the second attack (Valera in second and zero out), fourth (third-Ramos, Valera in the first elimination and internal Zamora who made the first launch of a Patrone in difficulty) and eighth on balance even when brought Ermini Marussich home (to run for Bischeri at first base for ball) for the temporary Valera 1-1 and was eliminated 1 / 3 of the same Ermini and Ramos and third respectively in Rimini seconda.Il had taken the lead in the fifth thanks nth light maremmano the shortstop Gutierrez (booed and disputed by hundreds of fans have come to the Maremma World), with third-Oropeza (single, sacrifice on the second and third on wild pitch) and two outs, Gutierrez has not attacked Solano and the joke of having collected the ball before you tinker with the same groped - unsuccessfully - the out at first. In the eighth, after balancing the Grosseto, the final extension of Rimini and tricolor. With two outs, single and Green in the opposite camp of Buccheri (Green in the third): Mazzotti visit De Santis (116 throws) and inserts Ginanneschi that after the first strike by Chiarini collects the individual at the center to the point of 2-1. Then there's an error on Gutierrez Cab (base flood) but the elimination of the fly on the fly Lollio Agli.Alla end of the match, awarded as MVP of the series, the second base Astrubal Oropeza. A mid-season there were rumors of a possible cut ... The right conclusion di un campionato - quello del 2006 - veramente impronosticabile.

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Campionati Italiani Individuali 2007 a Terni

Si terranno a Terni i Campionati Italiani Individuali 2007. Lo ha annunciato ufficialmente il Presidente federale durante la conferenza stampa svoltasi nella città umbra per la firma della nuova convenzione tra Fitet e Comune.

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Water Polo Table Tennis Table Tennis

Findomestic Cup nel segno delle grandi

La Findomestic Cup 2006/07 si apre con quattro successi esterni e due pareggi. A segno tutte le big. Nel girone 1 la Pro Recco campione d'Italia supera la neopromossa Enel Civitavecchia per 18-5 with four goals from Alessandro Calcaterra, captain of the Seven of Diamonds, which also achieves the first goal of the season, the Systema Leonessa Brescia and Cremona Bissolati beat away the Sacil HLB Nervi to 6.13 (four goals of the blue Presciutti) and RN Bogliasco 9-4 (five goals of the U.S. Azevedo), while the Baxi Bozzola Plebiscito Padova stops Salerno on the 8-8 hooking up with Boskovic at 40 seconds of round 2 fine.Nel the other seeded Atlantis Posillipo beat the newly promoted Coseley Swimming to 12-4 with triplets of the new captain Udovicic Postiglione and European champion, won the Filanda Carisa Savona in Catania, Sicily with the Energy Sp to 11-8 despite four goals for Palace, the IGM Ortigia taketh Camogli live on Rai Sport Satellite beating ElettroGreen to 10-9 with D'Antoni realizes that equal and overtake in the last 35 seconds (six goals Weszelovszky but you blow the ball by D'Antoni decided to counterattack the solitary ' meeting). Florentia Chiavari-ends at 6-6 with 26 major fouls, five players out prematurely expelled and three between the two tecnici.Si back in the pool Friday with the advance live on Rai Sport Satellite Enel's Civitavecchia-RN Bogliasco (19.30)

first day round October 11

Pool 1
Pro Recco, 18-5
Enel Civitavecchia Salerno-CN Baxi Bozzola Plebiscito 8-8
RN-Bogliasco Bissolati Cremona 4-9
Sacil HLB Nervi-System Leonessa Brescia 6-13

Girone 2
Sp Energia Siciliana Ct-Filanda Carisa Sv 8-11
RN Camogli-IGM Ortigia 9-10
RN Florentia-Chiavari Nuoto 6-6
Atlantis Posillipo-Cosenza Nuoto 12-4

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Saturday, October 7, 2006

Descargar Doujinshis De Bulma

Campionati Italiani in tipo regolamentare
Link ai Complete results

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Link to full results

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begins well the Top 12 European Leonardo Mutti

The young blue made its debut today in the European test performance in Liege in getting a good score of 4 wins and 1 loss. And 'failed to penetrate the Russian Pethukov 3-1, the Belgian Lambiet 3-1, 3-2 and the Croat Jardas on Iberia Javier 3-2. It 's been stopped a Dutch Hageraats 0-3. The race ends tomorrow still good chances of victory for the young man led by Joze Urh.


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Rowing Soccer 5

Serie A, 4th day

No tie in the fourth day of the championship round of Series A marked a marked predominance of the factor field (6 to 7 home wins, including the victorious advance of Wednesday night of champions of Italy Samia Arzignano).
not lose the first three rounds of the league, Alter Ego Luparense, Augusta, even leaders with maximum points, and the third and final LazioNepi team still unbeaten after 160 'of the game. The only shot of the exterior
afternoon was that of the Venetian Velasco passed not without some difficulties on the field without a Thyssenkrupp Terni points in the bag in the last three days. Still on the net, for guests, Sandrinho (later expelled) in the seventh seal season. Success
interior is rich in emotions and those of other networks at Augusta leaders capable of imposing the first KO in the league so far unbeaten freshman Bisceglie. After a very balanced first half ended at 2-2 and, for the restart came the break in Sicily which was opposed proudly quintet Capurso with Gemini and authority Caputo. In a final free throw Brass (again top scorer in the league with 8 goals scored) and the staff of poker pivot neroverde Da Silva overcame the resistance of Puglia where the brace was not enough Fornari.
With two lengths behind the summit is maintained by Maurizio LazioNepi who ruled in the freshman house Romagna C5 thanks to a brace of Bachega and the network of Garcias. The Lazio, without liability to the networks for the second consecutive day, reinforce the primacy of their best defense in the league with just three goals conceded in the first four rounds.
Rendezvous with the first victory of the season yet returned to the Naples Deda defeated in the house of a Fas Icoper Montesilvano led by the hand-Leaf Junior tandem, made a total of three networks, with a nice brace of blue. For blue-white of choline, yet never away win, this is the second statement in a row in front of your audience.
first success of the league finally Lab Joinery for the tandem-Reggio Calabria Marcianise, respectively victorious over Perugia and Rome. I have won
Calabria Catanzaro neutral on the game against his former team of technical Ronconi thanks to two goals from Nora and Leandro in the second half that broke the balance of the first half of the race closed the lead to 4-3 by Lab joinery. Comeback win
which resulted in the resumption of Marcianise against a Roma unable to administer the double advantage by Duarte and signed by an authority.
former national Under-21 and Nelson Gigliofiorito Pelentir (two with the winning goal came at 30 "from end to free throw) the signatures on the next field.
Remember that, in anticipation of Wednesday evening, Samia Arzignano had passed 11-5 in the home for the Ponzio Pescara.


8 NETWORKS: Brass (Augusta)

7 GOALS: Sandrinho (Alter Ego Luparense)

5 NETWORKS: Furlam (Roma), Amoroso (Samia Arzignano), Nora (Lab Fixtures Reggio Calabria)


Terni - Luparense - 1 - 3
Augusta - Bisceglie - 7-5
Montesilvano - Naples - 3-0
Reggio Calabria - Perugia - 7-4
Arzignano - Pescara - 11 to 5
Marcianise - Rome - 3 - 2 Lazio
- Romagna - 3 -0


Augusta 12 12 10 Lazio

Arzignano 7
Bisceglie 7 5 5
Reggio Calabria Rome

Marcianise 5 3 3

Perugia Terni 3
Napoli 2 2 1

Pescara (

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pirate Rimini, 3-2 Grosseto

The Telemarket Rimini continued his golden moment and stand in a advantage in the final set 3-2 by defeating the BBC Le Colonie di Maremma Grosseto. A non-beautiful, marked by defensive errors are not acceptable in a final. The total number of "mistakes" at the end will be 7, with 2 to Rimini (crucial for both the signatures of Grosseto) and even 5 for Grosseto. Fair evidence on the mound of departing Francisco Trejo (4 good shots in 4.1, 2 and 3 ball bases strike out), the exceptional importance of Brian Looney (4.2 times, 3 good, 2 bases and 6 strike outs). Not fared Jaime Navarro bad either, which may have started his last game in Grosseto (if the series does not get to the seventh race) for the Puerto Rican, full race with 141 launches, 8 good, 4 and 7 base ball strike out. Ready
Rimini street and took the lead on a very cold Navarro in his first two shots: valid Solano, sacrifice Green, elimination of diamond Buccheri (Solano in the third) and valid Chiarini (followed by a giant Carrozza but will "die" for the first out of garlic).
the second round, Navarro still difficult (and the defense does not help): According to Gambi and Ramos Oropeza and error on a bunt Baldacci. A bases loaded, though, the pitcher Puerto Rican wakes up and puts "k" is that Solano Buccheri, eliminating himself at home on the bouncy Gambuti Green.
In football you would say "the wrong goal, goal conceded, and in fact draws Grosseto in the attack following: valid Lollio stealing second, then third and coming home on the revitalization of Baldacci wrong in the third.
The point of the Rimini 2-1 marks the fourth: single Oropeza, sacrifice and Baldacci valid outside of Solano center on which a mistake Andrea De Santis.
Mazzotti's team, however, answered right away: According to Ramos who then stole second on strike out of Trejo in Lollar, beaten up deep in diamond Zamora Solano who assists in the third per Chiarini che però perde la palla nel tentativo di eliminare l’accorrente Ramos. Con gli uomini agli angoli ci pensa Valera a sparare un doppio lungolinea a sinistra. Dopodiché Romano decide di concedere la base intenzionale a Sgnaolin per giocarsi De Santis e la scelta è fortunata perché l’esterno centro maremmano batte una linea su Trejo che elimina poi in terza Zamora.
Dopo il pareggio, il nuovo vantaggio romagnolo al quinto con la terza valida di Carrozza (un doppio) e il singolo di Agli.
Il Grosseto ha la possibilità di pareggiare al sesto, ma Bischeri rimane strike out a basi cariche sui lanci del rilievo Looney entrato un po’ a sorpresa durante il quinto attacco dei padroni di casa. Ma andiamo con ordine: Zamora e Valera battono un singolo e Sgnaolin esegue perfettamente un sacrificio portando in compagni in terza e seconda. Mazzotti leva il giovane De Santis e inserisce l’esperto De Franceschi, ma la mossa non lo ripaga. Looney poi concede l’intenzionale a Gutierrez e come detto fa fuori in cinque lanci Bischeri.
È l’ultimo lampo, perché poi il Grosseto non riesce più a fare paura a Looney, ancora una volta devastante contro l’attacco maremmano.

Lanciatore vincente: Trejo
Lanciatore perdente: Navarro
Salvezza: Looney

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Water Polo Baseball Baseball

Sabato 7 ottobre
Girone di Kranj - Terza e quarta giornata

Tirol - Fezko 6-11
Oradea - Triglav 4-8
Sabadell - Brescia 7-15
Fezko - Brescia 4-26
Triglav - Sabadell da giocare
Tirol - Oradea da giocare

Classifica: Brescia 12; Triglav 9; Sabadell 6; Oradea, Tirol e Strakonice 0

Girone di Atene - Terza e quarta giornata

Panionios - Uintiseura 27-5
Lugano - Spandau 7-31
Vienna - Galatasaray
Uintiseura 3-18 - 5-16 Lugano
Spandau - Wien 16-5
Panionios - Galatasaray 12-7

Rank: Panionios 12, Galatasaray and Spandau 9, Vienna and Lugano 3; Uintiseura 0

Round Port - Fourth day

Polar Bears - Horgen to play
Eger - Dinamo Moscow to play
Salgueiros - Bayer to play

Round of Kotor - Fifth and sixth day

Druzhba - Adalar 3-10
Mariupol - Pocztowiec
Montpellier 4-8 - 15-6 Zian
Free: Primorac

Adalar - Mariupol
8-9 Druzhba - Zian
Primorac - Montpellier
Rest: Pocztowiec


Friday, October 6, 2006

Horrible Tension Headaches

Final entirely unexpected

Who will win? Good question, the answer must wait for Wednesday (if all goes well) or at least Saturday (if it goes bad, but beautifully in terms of emotions and weather ...). Tonight at the "Jannelli" in Grosseto snap the final 2006 championship between the hosts of Le Colonie di Maremma Grosseto and Telemarket Rimini. A series that promises impronosticabile, despite the budget of the regular season has to smile Maremma, winners in four of six comparisons (for more on the last match, played in just three weeks ago "Jannelli" saw "Pirates" commanding 1 - 0 against Marussich adapted to the mountain - the former Trieste is an extension and had never climbed the mountain this season - and thus qualify for the skin of our teeth to the playoffs). The situation has changed in twenty days. The Grosseto Mauro Mazzotti seems to have found against the Neptune square the circle and the continuity of performance that had been the Achilles heel for the entire year. The Rimini Mike Romano, however, has suddenly become a team. Not that during 2006 it had ever been (at the end of the first round of the Romagna was the first), but the signs have come in the last matches of the season were not encouraging, and even - in his triptych decisive against Grosseto - had almost had the impression that the Rimini hope for a victory to go ahead in Godo vacanza.Il Rimini will have to confirm what showed good against almost ex-champions of Italy Bologna: the mound and attack substantial steamroller (less brilliant defense). The test will appeal against Jaime Navarro returned against nine Bagialemani to 2004 levels. The Puerto Rican is well and its good condition can not be restricted to only two appearances in the playoffs (in which he allowed one point in 18 shooting) against Rimini, Sept. 15, threw nine times, allowing five valid, a base ball and strike out 10 and winning 1-0, the week before against Godo had imposed on the mountain remained 7-0 for 7 shooting (2 good, 1 base and 8 "k"). So, not only launched 18 shots from Navarro in which ha concesso 1 punto, ma ben 34. E il dato non può far piacere al Rimini che prima di sconfiggere in semifinale il Bologna imponendosi in entrambe i match riservati ai lanciatori stranieri, era a secco nelle gare del “venerdì” dal 28 luglio (1-0 contro il San Marino). Da sottolineare, però, come il Grosseto contro Brian Looney (il lanciatore che il Grosseto prenotò nel 2004 prima di optare su Navarro) non ha praticamente visto palla, battendo 3 valide in 9 riprese e realizzando 0 punti.Sabato sarà invece il turno, presumibilmente, di Riccardo De Santis e Sandy Patrone, anche se i due manager potrebbero adottare tattiche e rotazioni diverse a seconda del match di domani. Patrone contro il Bologna ha lanciato molto bene (due partite, two wins, 11.2 shots fired, gave valid 6 and 0 points lost). The Maremma has instead lost the only match of the series against Neptune (5-2), but was not helped by the defense, since cashed in on three points dropped six shots, only 1 was Pgl. Another fact to point out, watching the two pitchers, is that referring to the physical condition. De Santis has launched a single game on Sept. 26, while Patrone has gone up the mountain on two occasions, the last 30 settembre.Per the rest will be obviously important attack and defense. Beyond what happened in the semifinals, it is interesting to analyze the data in the previous six seasons (but has not said that the Rimini another team? Yes, but the statistics - and indeed the previous - in this game count for something ...) So, in the regular season, beat 51 Grosseto valid against 49 of Rimini, while the defenses have been tantamount to committing six errors aside.


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Shooting Shooting Soccer 5

In Skeet Falco is second, Frasca and bronze in the pit.

The World Cup Skeet Russian Valeriy Shomin go flying for a pigeon, 145 against 144, Ennio Falco. In third place, the Norwegian Tore Brovold (143). The Olympic champion of Atlanta was the only Italian able to enter 12 of the best shooters who have right of access to the final stages of the crystal trophy and, as usual, did his part to the end. He did not win, but his second place finish sealed a great season and, above all, keep it on the rope to the approach to Beijing 2008. The great final pit: Victory brings the signature super Alexei Alipov, the Russian Olympic champion in Athens in 2004, who beat the play-off, 7 vs. 6, Czech David Kostelecky, who had finished the qualifying round with a perfect score , 125/125, and then in the final with one shot stopped on a 22/25 while Alipov hit a great 25/25. The two however, have made 147/150, equaled the world record. In third place was Erminio Frasca: the child prodigy of skeet shooting Italian confirms its magic moment, even though he has more than 142/150 in the barrel of this race. Giovanni Pellielo, who was also in the final he finished fifth at the end, while Massimo Fabbri is ninth. Tomorrow official training for the double trap, where the race will unfold throughout Saturday. For Italy's Marco Innocenti, who will try as usual to rely on its own merits.


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In Skeet Falco è secondo, Frasca è di bronzo nella fossa.

La coppa del mondo di Skeet va al russo Valeriy Shomin che batte per un piattello, 145 contro 144, Ennio Falco. Al terzo posto il norvegese Tore Brovold (143). L'olimpionico d'Atlanta era l'unico italiano capace di entrare tra i migliori 12 tiratori che hanno diritto d'accedere alle fasi finali del trofeo di cristallo e, come al solito, ha fatto sino in fondo la sua parte. Non ha vinto, ma il suo secondo posto suggella un'ottima stagione e, soprattutto, lo tiene sulla corda verso l'avvicinamento a Pechino 2008. Grandissima la finale di fossa: la vittoria porta la firma eccellente di Alexei Alipov, il russo campione olimpico di Atene 2004, che ha battuto the play-off, 7 vs. 6, Czech David Kostelecky, who had finished the qualifying round with a perfect score, 125/125, and then in the end to one shot stopped on a 22/25 while Alipov hit a excellent 25/25. The two, however, have made 147/150, equaled the world record. In third place was Erminio Frasca: the child prodigy of skeet shooting Italian confirms its magic moment, even though he has more than 142/150 in the barrel of this race. Giovanni Pellielo, who was also in the final he finished fifth at the end, while Massimo Fabbri is ninth. Tomorrow official training for the double trap, where the race will unfold throughout Saturday. For Italy's Marco Innocenti, which will as usual to rely on its own merits.


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Soccer 5

Serie A contest between the surprises in Augusta starting

League One new challenge for the Serie A but already expected to be the biggest race day of the fourth round scheduled for Saturday, October 7.
This is the program in comparison to 17 to Palajonio between the hosts at Augusta, one of the current leaders with maximum points, and the newly promoted Bisceglie, fourth in the standings to -4 from the top and still unbeaten after the first 120 ' championship.
If the second best attack (14) and the second best defense (4) of the Series A will try to hit a great poker face their audience, the fourth goal proved useful for the people of Puglia but without the injured Diego, Pedotti dell'indisponibile and the suspended Lavolpicella.
Away a Terni, sul campo di un Thyssenkrupp (ore 18) reduce da due sconfitte consecutive, per l’altra capolista Alter Ego Luparense, la squadra andata finora in rete per ben 19 volte in 3 gare (nessuna ha fatto meglio) grazie anche al vice capocannoniere della serie A, Sandrinho già a quota 6 goal.
Impegno casalingo (ore 18) per la terza forza del campionato, l’imbattuta LazioNepi forte della miglior difesa del torneo (3) ed opposta sabato alla matricola Romagna ancora in attesa della prima vittoria della propria storia in serie A.
Il ritorno ufficiale dell’azzurro Morgado nel campionato italiano, dopo un anno di esperienza in Spagna e tre giornate di stop forzato cui l’ha costretto finora una vecchia squalifica della stagione 04/05, sarà il motivo d’interesse del confronto tra Fas Icoper Montesilvano ed un Legea Napoli la cui classifica è stata mossa finora dai due pareggi interni contro LazioNepi e Samia Arzignano.
Obiettivo prima vittoria stagionale per il Marcianise, la difesa più battuta (15) del campionato che proverà a concedere il meno possibile (ore 18) ad una Roma desiderosa di tornare a far punti lontano dal campo amico dove, finora, ha perso entrambe le gare giocate.
Sarà infine il palazzetto dello Sport di Catanzaro il campo neutro su cui alle 16 si giocherà il confronto tra un Lab Infissi Reggio Calabria ancora a digiuno di vittorie ed un Perugia che proverà a conquistare i primi punti esterni della stagione.
Remember that the challenge Samia Arzignano-Ponzio Pescara was held early last Wednesday with the Italian champions to 11-5 on the Abruzzi impostisi thanks to poker Amoroso (top scorer in Serie A this season 06/07) and the doublets of Captain Marcio and Pinilla. The Venetian will indeed be committed to Sarajevo from Tuesday 10 to Friday, October 13 in a quadrangular elimination of the second phase of UEFA Futsal Cup (Champions League football to five) which also includes Kairat Almaty of Kazakhstan, the Slovak Bratislava in addition to the masters Partizan's home.


Impetigo Annunciation

Serie A contest between the surprises in Augusta league start

A new challenge for the Serie A but already expected to be the biggest race day of the fourth round scheduled for Saturday, October 7.
This is the program in comparison to 17 to Palajonio between the hosts at Augusta, one of the current leaders with maximum points, and the newly promoted Bisceglie, fourth in the standings to -4 from the top and still unbeaten after the first 120 ' campionato.
Se il secondo miglior attacco (14) e la seconda miglior difesa (4) della serie A proverà a centrare un fantastico poker di fronte il proprio pubblico, obiettivo quarto risultato utile per i pugliesi privi però dell’infortunato Diego, dell’indisponibile Pedotti e dello squalificato Lavolpicella.
Trasferta a Terni, sul campo di un Thyssenkrupp (ore 18) reduce da due sconfitte consecutive, per l’altra capolista Alter Ego Luparense, la squadra andata finora in rete per ben 19 volte in 3 gare (nessuna ha fatto meglio) grazie anche al vice capocannoniere della serie A, Sandrinho già a quota 6 goal.
Impegno casalingo (ore 18) per la terza forza del campionato, l’imbattuta LazioNepi stronger best defense in the tournament (3) and opposite to the Saturday serial Romagna still waiting for first victory of its history in Serie A. The official return of the blue
Morgado in the Italian league after a year's experience in Spain and three days of forced stop which forced suspension of the season to date an old 04/05, will be the reason of interest of the comparison between Fas Icoper Montesilvano and Legea Napoli, whose ranking has been moved so far from two draws against internal and Samia LazioNepi Arzignano. Objective
first win of the season for the Marcianise, the largest defense bar (15) that the league will try to give as little as possible (18 hours) at a Rome eager to points go to the far field where a friend, until now, has lost both games played.
will finally sports hall of Catanzaro on neutral ground on which the 16 will be played on a comparison of Reggio Calabria Lab joinery still fasting Perugia wins and one who will try to win their first points of the outdoor season. Remember that the challenge
Samia Arzignano-Ponzio Pescara was held early last Wednesday with the Italian champions to 11-5 on the Abruzzi impostisi thanks to poker Amoroso (top scorer in Serie A this season 06/07) and the doublets Marcio captain and Pinilla. The Venetian will indeed be committed to Sarajevo from Tuesday 10 to Friday, October 13 elimination in square second phase of the UEFA Futsal Cup (Champions League football to five) which also includes Kairat Almaty of Kazakhstan, the Slovak Bratislava as well as the hosts of Partizan.


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Euroleague - Friday, October 6

Round Port - Third day

Polar Bears - Eger 17.30
Dinamo Moscow - Bayer
Salgueiros 19.00 - 20.30 Horgen

Round of Athens - Second day

Vienna - 17.30 hours Uintiseura
Galatasaray - Spandau ore 19,00
Panionios - Lugano ore 20,30

Girone di Kranj - Seconda giornata

Brescia - Oradea ore 18,00
Triglav - Tirol ore 19,30
Strakonice - Sabadell ore 21,00

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Thursday, October 5, 2006

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Water Polo Table Tennis Women

Ranking Mondiale

New rankings of the ITTF World Ranking. In the women passed by Nicoletta Stefanova is now no 34 (was 36) in Tan Monfardini hours No 35 (was 33). Other Italian: Laura Negrisoli is n. 105 and Wang Yu No 140. Among men Massimiliano Mondello lost three positions from 103 to 106.


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Skeet : Cainero is the first Italian to win the World Cup

not come in threes. Chiara Cainero, after the world silver and the European title, winning the World Cup. In the final he beat the Slovak and Russian Danka Bartekova Erzdzanik Avetysian, world champion in office. For twenty-eight of Udine is this a season to be framed, no doubt the best of his career. Apart from the trophies offered attendees also won the Olympic Charter, which, no doubt, will bring it to Beijing in 2008 to deal with more tranquility and above all with more chance after his second Olympic experience that's not lucky for four years ago. Athens's definitely a dirty trick played the emotion, now clearly showed improvements both in terms of character than technical. It is no coincidence that in Maribor at the European Championships that this has put the best in the world and has twice taken his revenge sull'Avetysian that had exceeded the World Cup in Zagreb. "The victories are moral," said coach Francesco Fazi "She was reconfirmed at the highest levels. Winning the 96 means it is capable of firing up to for a long time. If we consider that in the final were hard as the plates were made of wood, then you have the distinct feeling that Clare has higher scores in the barrel. In these days then she has been plagued by a lot of back pain. Very good, very good result. And I'm also happy to Katie Swords, today in the final and sixth in the standings. It only needs to train with more continuity to get to the top like Clare. "Champion at the seventh heaven:" I'm so glad. I had a bad start this race because I had physical problems, I gritted my teeth and I closed with a flourish. I am proud to be the first Italian woman in the history of skeet to have won a cup final. I think of the future, not in Beijing is far away, but the next year. I do not know if I will repeat myself at this level, I hope so, yes. For now I want to enjoy this success. "Tomorrow's final Olympic trap and skeet for men who have now played the first 75 piattelli. Nello skeet Ennio Falco è secondo ad un piattello dal russo Valeriy Shomin, mentre nella fossa i tre azzurri in gara Eminio Frasca (70/75), Giovanni Pellielo (70/75) e Massimo Fabbrizi (68) sono rispettivamente al quinto e decimo posto.

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Shooting Football 5

4a Serie A Day

Samia Arzignano - Ponzio Pescara - 11 to 5

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1st Pool Day of Kotor

Zian Den Haag (Ola) - Mariupol (UCR) 8-16

first day of Round Harbour

Eger (Ung) - Bayer Uerdingen (Ger) 04.18
Salgueiros (Por) - Polar Bears (Ola) 4-19


Wednesday, October 4, 2006

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Water Polo Water Polo Water Polo

La Vis Nova won the Trophy Player 2005-2006

The Vis Nova was awarded the "Trophy del Giocatore", titolo che viene assegnato sulla base dei punti ottenuti dalle squadre nei singoli campionati nazionali, compresi quelli giovanili al termine della stagione agonistica. La società romana ha infatti totalizzato 64 punti. Nonostante l'ultimo posto nel girone sud dell'A2 e la conseguente retrocessione al campionato di serie B, il Vis Nova ha conquistato il trofeo grazie soprattutto alla vittoria nel campionato nazionale allievi e al secondo posto nella categoria allieve.Al secondo posto si è classificata la RN Bogliasco, che aveva vinto l'edizione 2004/2005, con 60 punti. Terzo l'Atlantis Posillipo a quota 53. La premiazione avrà luogo a Roma il 9 ottobre, presso il Circolo "Antico Tiro a Volo", in occasione della presentazione dei Water Polo Championship Series A1.


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Euroleague - Today, the group away with the Port of Kotor and

Montpellier (Fra)-Adalar Istanbul (Tur) 17.00
Zian Den Haag (Ola)-Mariupol (UCR) at 18.30
Primorac Kotor (Mont)-Druzhba Minsk (Bie) ore 20.00
Riposa: Pocztowiec Lodz (Pol)

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Forst Brixen - Bologna Utd 24-21

Prima sconfitta in campionato per il Bologna che davanti alle telecamere di RaiSportSat si arrende al Bressanone al termine di una gara equilibrata e giocata alla pari per oltre cinquanta minuti. Assenti once again disqualified and Raupenas Montalto, the rossoblu have paid a final drop with a few mistakes too many, and not properly supported by some key players not in perfect physical condition, a clear reference to Miglietta Corrado Di Piero, and the fluid Leo.Poco attacks, the dominant defenses, Matteo Pettinari in the evening with a special grace. First advantage of Bologna on 19 '(7-6) with the only goal of the Niño Di Leo, for the rest - albeit with minimal benefits that - controls the Forst. Back in camp after the accident David on simultaneously and it is good its impact on the game: enterprise and a couple of gol.Bravissimo Nicolas Lumello, authentic soul of the team, fighting spirit in every segment di campo: implacabile ai rigori (5/5), leone in difesa, capocannoniere della gara in un’insolita per lui doppia cifra, nei primi dodici minuti della ripresa segna solo lui per Bologna che rimane così sempre incollata all’avversaria. E non si stacca neppure dopo l’espulsione di Pasquale Maione, apparsa ai più invero troppo severa ed affrettata, di certo assai penalizzante per la già incompleta squadra di Beppe Tedesco.Sino agli ultimissimi giri di lancette è sovrano l’equilibrio, a spezzarlo un break firmato dal giovane Salcher ma anche da qualche disattenzione rossoblu. Difficile però chiedere di più a una formazione reduce oltretutto dalla lunga trasferta svedese di Coppa.

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Sunday, October 1, 2006

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Rowing Handball Table Tennis

Tomorrow the appointment of the new Technical Director Blue

tomorrow in Rome will host the special meeting of the Federal Council, which will proceed to appoint the new Technical Director to lead the blue paddle up to the Games Beijing 2008 instead of Giuseppe de Capua where the contract was not renewed.


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A1 other results

complete the picture of the results of matches played last Saturday with those of A1. Fortitudo Bologna won 3-0 at home while in the Guspini for missing the race Marcozzi Cagliari Yang Min has conquered Brescia but only after a game played until the last point: 3-2 for the Sardinians.


Saturday, September 30, 2006

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World Championship of Universal Trench - Granada (Spain)

the World Championship of Universal Trench, held in Granada on plants Spain, the Azzurri have won three medals to veterans squadra.I Giorgio Ravera (186/200), Marco Vaccari (186/200) and Aurelio Tezze (183/200) are the authors of the gold team strung together with the score of 555/600, in front of Great Britain (554) and France (551). rosazzurre Sabrina Le Panzeri (176/200), Bianca Revello (171/200) and Zdenka Ratek have won a valuable bronze with a score of 514/600, just behind Spain (542) and France (521). Bronze Medal for the Superveterani Sergio Lavagetto (181/200), Mario Barbieri (179/200) and Antonello Plug (177/200) who scored 537/600, behind Great Britain (546) and Spain (539).
