Monday, June 9, 2008

Brazilian Waxing In Winnipeg


The journey of freedom. Sunday 1 and Monday 2 June, with a 20-seat bus and a car in tow, we crossed three states that do not pay the toll highway, a bus can travel all the highways for 24 hours with only 10 € , the telelaser are fixed, operating and on display, country where the passage of large trucks is subject to a quota "before" as to cause clogging in Mestre, the receipt Fiscal a strange thing, there is a monster called IRAP nations where to stay at the hotel, the documents are not required and there is no communication to do the q uesture, where the presence of forces order is so discreet that it seems no - but as effective as punctual as appropriate - where there is a "police state" as in Italy, but everything works better, and there is that sense of oppression here that the city receives constantly.

Another World? No! A world that begins at 54 km from Milan , a world where everything seems to work best, and one wonders why!

And in this world that is now aimed LIFE Treviso, after the justice of this country has declared itself unable, by decision of the Court of Venice dated February 20, 2008 , to speak about the issues raised against the Italian state.

The June 2, 2008 may go down in history not because of the tirades of the Italian President against Northeastern finished the sludge at landfills Neapolitan , but for the filing to the European Court of Human Rights 25 Veneti coordinated by the LIFE Treviso, the case against the Italian state , wrongly accused of occupying a territory that belongs to natural law, to Venetian People to refuse systematically to the same people all the rights that international law grant it, and that Italy is committed to promoting and ensuring signing international treaties.

in Strasbourg is being reopened, the People Veneto, the hope of returning to live in a land free again, according to its own traditions, the constraints of its history and the richness of its ancient culture. We will be free again, as for thousands of years the Venetians were, up to two hundred years ago, free after two unhappy centuries, prodigal of misery and humiliation that this earth has ever seen, a time when the Venetians, occupied but never conquered, exploited and oppressed, brainwashed and scammed, have kept alive this poor country.

We come from the saddest time of the ancient Venetian history, during which the Venetians have been comparable to that of a diaspora Jews, 4.5 million of our brothers have sought the hope of a future better, far from the occupied homeland, this forced exodus from governments that have reduced a set of small, prosperous and rich states, which were first dell'unificaz ione, ad un unico paese che è il detentore, ora, del terzo debito pubblico più alto al mondo. I Veneti hanno conosciuto nella ultima recente storia deportazioni, infoibazioni, 27 spartizioni del loro territorio, una vasta emigrazione indotta, e la cancellazione dell’identità storica, culturale e politica, a causa di una ignobile pulizia etnica di stato.

Staremo a vedere quali saranno i primi passi delle Istituzioni Europee in questa contesa ; avremo così la possibilità di constatare il loro grado di democrazia e di imparzialità, e di verificare se la non violenza e la forza della ragione dei Veneti avranno la meglio sullo sfruttamento , prevarication and false respectability of the Italians.

Daniele Quaglia
President LIFE Treviso


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