Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Itchy After Brazillian


Wednesday, November 26 Auditorium

Dinah Bear, in a very crowded room, the popular stock trader Eugenio Benetazzo described in detail the reasons of this "crisis desired by the system" and the best way to defend .

Certainly these days better not trust the big banks, to which the "mistrust" is a must, and today is the investor, to protect their money, which can and must do the "x-rays" to the bank , choosing a less exposed to the risk of collapse.
's import of goods from unscrupulous economy, the exploitation of child labor, products di bassa qualità se non addirittura pericolosi per la nostra salute, sono concausa del difficile momento, ed intanto le istituzioni, come il solito parlano, parlano e parlano ancora senza intervenire sostanzialmente.

Ad inizio della serata è intervenuto il Presidente di LIFE Treviso Mirko Cortina
manifestando la soddisfazione nel veder così tanta adesione da parte del pubblico, ringraziando collaboratori e sponsor. Cogliendo in più l’occasione per illustrare ai numerosi presenti il percorso per l’indipendenza delle Terre Venete occupate illegalmente dallo stato italiano, fino all’attuale ricorso in atto presso la Corte Europea dei Diritti Umani, sensibilizzando inoltre present on our identity and how the historic Venetian phrase "made Italy must make Italians," the President said that we Veneti are not a product manufactured , but the grandparents of our grandparents did not even know what it was Italy , we are historically the Venetian People .

Another concrete proposal and bring forward increase the salaries of our employees rather than pay the deductions to the Italian state . In view of the law 340/71 and 881/77 in demonstration of our rights, we can say " ENOUGH TAXES TO THE STATE AND UNITED WE APPEAL TO THE INTERNATIONAL COURT .

LIFE will be seeking to organize other nights open to all Venetians.

"If a man is not willing to fight for his ideas or his ideas are worth nothing, or he is worthless.
Ezra Pound "

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Vip Suitcase Number Unlock


is not a tax haven and not an earthly paradise, but certainly the impression that one is made Carinthia, especially after a meeting organized by Life in Conegliano, is to a federal state where the entrepreneur lives with far fewer concerns its relationship con le istituzioni ed anche con il fisco . Quando Leopold Krassinig, fiscalista e collaboratore del Governo, davanti ad un pubblico attentissimo, ha detto che in Carinzia, oltre all'Irpef, pagata al comune, non esiste nessun altro tipo di imposta (Ici, Irap,...), i presenti si sono guardati stupiti. E potete capire lo sbigottimento quando Karl Pfeifenberger, Vicepresidente del Parlamento della Carinzia, ha affermato che "la nostra Regione concede agli imprenditori incentivi del 27,7%, ma se uno investe in ricerca e sviluppo i benefici si alzano fino a raggiungere anche il 50%".
"La realta possibile": era questo il titolo dell'incontro organizzato da Life e che voleva essere il primo di una serie per mettere a confronto gli stati Federal closer to the Northeast. And to keep alive the attention, in addition to the aforementioned guests and other dignitaries including advisors Life, also spoke Joerg Haider, the governor of Carinthia. "Come to us - he said Haider - we are a very small region, but we are recovering a leading economic role" , and down to reel off figures to explain the actions on education, economy, infrastructure, on streamlining procedures.
It was an interesting lesson from all points of view. With a beat President LIFE Treviso, Daniele Quaglia, said: "We discovered that a few steps away from us, beyond that invisible boundary, there the afterlife. "
In the photos, some moments of the conference Conegliano.

News Lyrics taken from LIFE, LIFE Journal Body for information, September 2001, No. 3

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hdloader In Atlanta Ga


The seizure of 12 September in the LIFE simultaneously Self-government People's seat People's Court and Veneto Veneto then Extraterritorial for officials of the Italian state has been violation of international covenants and was reported to the European Court of Human Rights and the UN .
few days later, from this serious incident, the Italian justice system to reveal, his true likeness, strikes again by litter law and equity.
The Supreme Court in the case of LIFE-Chamber of Commerce, condemns us back to the negative outcome of legal fees with no regard worthy of a fair and impartial.
Companies Venetian Italian courts can not ask why, and under what conditions are required to pay "protection money mafia" improperly called 'right chambers' and if they do, are condemned by the mere fact of having placed demand, and the answer, you Veneti, I will dream! The ruling
here reported, the Tax Commission of Foggia, on an appeal against Chamber of Commerce made by local companies, highlights two important facts.
1) the ruling (the appeal of beautiful studiomarino) condemning the Chamber of Commerce of Foggia to return to the companies 'rights' received was not challenged on appeal by the Chamber of Commerce of Foggia and is, therefore, to all effects executive;
2) the sentence provides that the costs are offset , namely that the applicants pay their lawyers and so does the Chamber of Commerce.
This last point is the proof of the claims LIFE: The third Italian court in proceedings that is not directly related to the administration state and even less if the applicant declares to belong to the People Veneto (L.340/71 art. 2).
that the Chamber of Commerce of Foggia be ordered to return the "right chamber" but not to the negative outcome is a favorable treatment when compared with our causes always without a sentence, but unsuccessful with timely expenditure.
reviews issued by these courts, do you feel are fair and impartial?
In proceedings involving the Directors of the Italian state and a citizen, do you think the Italian court is located in the conditions of impartiality, essential to a fair and impartial?
If the Citizens are the people belonging to the Veneto (L.340/71 art.2), quindi titolare dei diritti garantiti dalla L.881/77, secondo voi può essere giudicato, in territorio veneto, da un giudice italiano in cause che lo contrappongono all’Amministrazione dello stato italiano?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Vba Speed Too Fast % Pokemon


Il 26 giugno u.s. in Commissione Tributaria a Treviso, si è discusso uno dei miei ricorsi contro l'IRAP e lo Stato Italiano. Da oltre due anni sto percorrendo la strada del diritto di autodeterminazione del Popolo Veneto e nelle aule giudiziarie di Venezia e di Treviso, questa rivendicazione sta comportando diversi grattacapi ai giudici italiani. Come già a Venezia, anche a Treviso, ho contestato il fatto che io, di nazionalità veneta, per i principi recognized and guaranteed by Italian , 340/71 and 881/77 art.2, the People Veneto, I do not have any obligation to Italian institutions because there are both administrative and self-government institutions (Self-Government of the People Veneto, see site) and judicial (the People's Tribunal Veneto, see website) that I represent and in which I identify as natural.

addition I questioned the fact that the Italian courts, are an expression of an entity, the Italian, illegitimate since its inception and even if they are not, the Italian judges have sworn allegiance to the Italian constitution and also being paid by 'administration dello Stato Italiano risultano essere detentori di obblighi morali e di interessi economici riconducibili ad una delle due parti contendenti (lo Stato Italiano ed io cittadino Veneto). Ne consegue che il giudice italiano non è soggetto terzo nella causa in corso e non si trova nelle condizioni di offrire un giudizio equo ed imparziale . E a questo punto si è aperta una discussione di carattere filosofico-giuridico che ha visto brillante partecipe il mio difensore che ha costretto il Presidente della Commissione Tributaria ad una inequivocabile conclusione: "Ci ritiriamo in consiglio per accertare o meno, la terzietà di questa Commissione Tributaria nel procedimento in corso. Daremo comunicazione delle nostre conclusioni, in forma scritta, all'avvocato difensore." Era il 26 giugno 2008 e fino ad oggi, 1 settembre, non ci è pervenuta alcuna comunicazione, né scritta né verbale .

Questo "ritardo" mi da lo spunto per alcune considerazioni!

La Commissione Tributaria, alla luce di quanto già sentenziato dal Tribunale di Venezia il 20.02.08 (vedi sentenza pagg. 1 - 2 ) che ci ha spalancato le porte della Commissione Europea dei Diritti dell'Uomo, ha due possibilità:

1) dichiararsi impotente, come già Venezia, in una causa sollevata da un Veneto contro lo Stato Italiano, con il rischio di scatenare migliaia di ricorsi di cittadini Veneti contro le istituzioni Italian State against ICI, income tax, IRAP, INPS, INAIL, CCIAA, traffic fines, refuse ...... and subsequent appeals to the European Court;

2) jurisdiction and sentencing, undergoing a further appeal to the European Court for violation of the right of self-determination of the Venetians according to Italian law 340/71 and art.2 L.881/77 and international treaties signed by Italy with the risk of any conviction for the Italian state, as more often happens at the European Court, he ran again in the possibility that thousands of Venetians can repeat what I already did.

It 's a very complex and dangerous situation for the institutions Which could also come up with some Italian decree law with retroactive effect miraculous, but for now let's enjoy these little spells, the result of who had the brilliant idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a Venetian People , a People's Self-Government Authority and a Court of the People Veneto Veneto who managed to jam the machine macchiavelliana par excellence: the Italian Republic. And if this is put in place various obstructions to deny us the sacred right of self-determination, you are all brothers Veneti, be prepared to make the Italian drowning in a sea of \u200b\u200bcomplaints .

Daniele Quaglia
President LIFE Treviso

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

How To Dress A Cellulitis Infection


The catastrophic situation of the INPS social security accounts and the absolute uncertainty for the future of old and new generations require the Authority to Self-Government of the People Veneto a position for serious and effective capture the trust of those who worked and just think of the board and who is working, why is not enslaved in the future debts incurred by the INPS in the present and past .

The current Italian pension system is derived from that applied in the nineteenth-century Prussia of Bismarck, that is, allocation, which is that their pension contributions monthly by today's workers are transferred immediately to current pensioners. Such a system could be better 50 years ago when there were 7 for senior lavoratoti assets contribute and the prospects for life expectancy was much shorter than those of today.

Today, in Italy, the ratio is 1.7 workers per one pensioner active, but if we consider that the government and parastatal bodies do not produce wealth does not increase the upstream contributions, this report comes very close to 1:1 with the result that every real worker in the private sector has borne almost a senior.

The situation is exacerbated by two external factors;

1) the reduction of birth (hence the criminal policy in favor of mass immigration, the only way to keep alive the Italian system and all its parasites );

2) the lives of people that stretches (50 years ago life expectancy was 60 years 75 hours, resulting in pension income increased by 15 years).

Not being able to endlessly raise the retirement age and a steady increase in the number of pensions will also be possible to raise taxes without limit and sooner or later the Italian state will forced to reduce the benefits promised.

The result is that the older generations, with their wealth of acquired rights and guaranteed they will be in conflict with the new existential, which unlike the others, will have no future if not the certainty of a tax burden monstrous and indefensible. Everything becomes clearer if we consider that non-capitalized pension obligations (debts INPS undeclared), according to official OECD, exceed, in Italy, 200% of GDP (GDP are 2 times) . Here is the black hole that will swallow this state, illegitimate since its inception, the public debt from the first generator of its existence seen that the Kingdom of Savoy brought as a dowry a huge debt, which in 150 years of unification has been sucked into the thriving economies of the pre-unification besides generating the current third highest public debt in the world.

self-government People's Veneto is the only political entity on the grounds of not entertaining and it never compromising and blackmailing intattenuto relationships with those classes that are the natural enemy of the privatized system so deeply rooted in Italy, that can and should implement the new national social security system Veneto.

As occurred in other countries, CHILE parent, the enemy of reform of the social classes is that sign of centralization, which draw nourishment and life from the social security system to breakdown.

They can be listed in:

1) the vested interests who would lose their privileges;

2) left-wing ideologues opposed to genetically everything that is private;

3) the bureaucrats of the State Administration of Social Security that would be forced to make a living in private

4) that the unions would be deprived of much part of their political and economic power;

5) the professional politicians opposed to the reduction in the size and powers of the state.

The reform model to inspire them is Chilean or system of individual capitalization.

Currently, the Italian state holds the paychecks of workers through the employer (withholding tax) in the form of social security contributions, 33% of their income. With the reform Veneta these sums will be given all payroll for employees who will be obliged to set aside each month, 10% of their salary (The difference between the current 33% and 10% future salary increases will be) paid into an account funded individual's property. The money will be paid, not the state Veneto, but financial companies that will take care to reinvest in the financial market, the capital raised, with the dual aim: to enter into the world economy constantly new and ongoing resources and to recapitalize the sums invested. The Venetian State is obliged to supervise the companies making investments. The benefit will be huge for the state Veneto economy with a constant flow of new capital for innovation and research, Gross Domestic Product increments unimaginable and Veneto resulting in increased tax entartete with maximum rates of 20% and recapitalization of the major pension funds.

An employee who has accumulated a minimum pension, at least 50% of the average salary of the last decade, will retire without limits of age may work without further obligations to pay social security contributions. The employee can withdraw the funds paid and accrued in a single sum at retirement or liquidation through levies scheduled monthly (annuity). The amounts not collected on death will be available to the heirs.

will guarantee a pension minimum for those who have paid at least 20 years of contributions and who has paid less than 20 years will be guaranteed by the Venetian State, a minimum social pension.


The Italian government must abide by their commitments in respect of all those workers who have paid the Venetian in the coffers of the Italian social security contributions , or providing them with an annuity based on the capital paid or delivering capital provided by taxpayers from the Veneto, appropriately recapitalized, Self-Government Authority of the Veneto people who will decide the appropriate reinvestment. The same also applies to Veneti those citizens who have paid into social security funds do not constitute minimum amounts Italian for the Italian state law for pension purposes.

Daniele Quaglia
President LIFE Treviso

elaborate concepts freely and taken from: "Pensions: reform in order to survive" by Jose Pinera ed. Rubettino-Leonardo Facco

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Homemade Brazilian Wax

Somebody context because it '...

Someone complains because says, seems that I want to force all Venetians, without discrimination, self-government . I should point out that I would never, ever capable of such violence .. When I speak of self-government, talk of a legitimate right that belongs to the Venetians and the Venetian People. I am registered in the Veneti, I always declare Veneto and I consider myself the rightful heir of the People Veneto. As such I, and others like me, we possess the natural right to self-determination, by the Italian government also guaranteed by the law 881/77. No matter the number, how many we are: it is not a choice to vote, because a natural right is not chosen, is innate . If anything, the choice may only a waiver of that right. Then we were 4 million, one hundred thousand, ten or one, the last of the Venetians not to waive that right, that right belongs to the death. So I can not impose on anyone's enjoyment of the right to self-determination as no one can force me to waive this right. How Veneto, in accordance with the principle of self-determination I pay my taxes to institutions and they determine the rates.

We Authority Self-Government of the People Veneto we strongly believe that taxation, with a prudent spending policy without waste, could be developed with a single rate of 20% . We Venetians who have not given up the right of self-determination to our institutions pay 20% of our income in taxes. You Italian-Venetian, who have given up your identity and your specific rights and natural to the Italian state continue to pay 75% of your income in taxes that continue to fuel the public debt, salaries and golden pensions of politicians, bureaucrats, judges, trade unionists and 5 million state with all their privileges untouchable, except by adhering to survive ignobly tax evasion. Australia-Sydney as well give up your identity and your natural rights! Best wishes to you and your children! And that God will send us a good! I had to be the last of the Venetians never give up my membership, my rights and my freedom because they were born with me and will cease only with the end of my days.

Daniele Quaglia

Monday, June 9, 2008

Brazilian Waxing In Winnipeg


The journey of freedom. Sunday 1 and Monday 2 June, with a 20-seat bus and a car in tow, we crossed three states that do not pay the toll highway, a bus can travel all the highways for 24 hours with only 10 € , the telelaser are fixed, operating and on display, country where the passage of large trucks is subject to a quota "before" as to cause clogging in Mestre, the receipt Fiscal a strange thing, there is a monster called IRAP nations where to stay at the hotel, the documents are not required and there is no communication to do the q uesture, where the presence of forces order is so discreet that it seems no - but as effective as punctual as appropriate - where there is a "police state" as in Italy, but everything works better, and there is that sense of oppression here that the city receives constantly.

Another World? No! A world that begins at 54 km from Milan , a world where everything seems to work best, and one wonders why!

And in this world that is now aimed LIFE Treviso, after the justice of this country has declared itself unable, by decision of the Court of Venice dated February 20, 2008 , to speak about the issues raised against the Italian state.

The June 2, 2008 may go down in history not because of the tirades of the Italian President against Northeastern finished the sludge at landfills Neapolitan , but for the filing to the European Court of Human Rights 25 Veneti coordinated by the LIFE Treviso, the case against the Italian state , wrongly accused of occupying a territory that belongs to natural law, to Venetian People to refuse systematically to the same people all the rights that international law grant it, and that Italy is committed to promoting and ensuring signing international treaties.

in Strasbourg is being reopened, the People Veneto, the hope of returning to live in a land free again, according to its own traditions, the constraints of its history and the richness of its ancient culture. We will be free again, as for thousands of years the Venetians were, up to two hundred years ago, free after two unhappy centuries, prodigal of misery and humiliation that this earth has ever seen, a time when the Venetians, occupied but never conquered, exploited and oppressed, brainwashed and scammed, have kept alive this poor country.

We come from the saddest time of the ancient Venetian history, during which the Venetians have been comparable to that of a diaspora Jews, 4.5 million of our brothers have sought the hope of a future better, far from the occupied homeland, this forced exodus from governments that have reduced a set of small, prosperous and rich states, which were first dell'unificaz ione, ad un unico paese che è il detentore, ora, del terzo debito pubblico più alto al mondo. I Veneti hanno conosciuto nella ultima recente storia deportazioni, infoibazioni, 27 spartizioni del loro territorio, una vasta emigrazione indotta, e la cancellazione dell’identità storica, culturale e politica, a causa di una ignobile pulizia etnica di stato.

Staremo a vedere quali saranno i primi passi delle Istituzioni Europee in questa contesa ; avremo così la possibilità di constatare il loro grado di democrazia e di imparzialità, e di verificare se la non violenza e la forza della ragione dei Veneti avranno la meglio sullo sfruttamento , prevarication and false respectability of the Italians.

Daniele Quaglia
President LIFE Treviso

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Ginseng Oolong Tea Side Effects


The April 2 Conegliano in the auditorium Dinah Bear, we held a conference with guests represented. Marco Della Luna, president of LIFE Treviso Daniele Quaglia and the President of the People's Court Veneto Loris Palmerini.

theme of the evening: "The power of the Venetians, ENOUGH WITH THIS Italy.

The evening was introduced by a strong effort of Daniele Quaglia, who has reported on criminal proceedings against the LIFE the Italian State, and particularly on the judge's ruling of the Court of Venice, which opens its doors to international procedure for the independence of the People Veneto.
The evening saw represented in great shape. The Moon in exposing the most salient concepts in the subject of his latest book "ENOUGH Italian" and "CHICKENS and charlatans." I explained the sadistic mechanisms that adopts the system, including collusion with the Mafia, to maintain a large pool of votes and therefore remain in power with a swing of apparent false government leaders, drawing, or better, "extorting" for the their thirst for power, money to the people of Veneto and Lombardy, the usual fat cow to be milked mercilessly. The
Chambers. The Moon then reiterated what countermeasures can be implemented to protect ourselves from these "real aggressors and enemies of human freedom."
Excellent speech by the President of the People's Court Veneto currently in office, Loris Palmerini, who recalled how U.S. VENETI we are perfectly within the law in our actions promote Self-Government, as it is in compliance with Italian law that those international VENETI U.S. We are a people with the right to self determination.
were also repeated the next steps to be taken for the smooth achievement of our objectives. Extraordinary public interest in the audience to the issues exposed in the conclusion evening, has created a heated debate prolonging the evening until 23:30.

LIFE has made a big leap in his actions, whether your support is important.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Home Built Boat Trailer


Daniele Quaglia VENETA talks to TV, online TV www.raixevenete.net. Explain the reasons for Self-government People's Veneto and Treviso choices LIFE.