Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What's The Most Famous Blueprints

defend the public school.

Mi unisco all'appello e all'iniziativa lanciata da Repubblica per defend the public school, and the right of every citizen to the study, education and education. I am no longer a student for years, but working in film and show business (my little), I know what it means culture, and on the contrary, ignorance. The new generations are growing up without precise values, those without the right tools and valid to assess their surroundings, to get a meeting with the objective of "nice" to have a relationship or a relationship with others. To give a short, high-level contribution to themselves and to others. Ignorance on the other hand, is one of the most vicious evils of our world, my experience in the Congo, years ago, taught me many things, and one in particularly ... Hunger is not the main problem of that population, and all the peoples of the Third World, but rather ignorance, not knowing. Then why all become puppets manipulated by others (who use culture and the intelligence so despotic).

But I leave my thoughts to words of two great men of culture, the director Ferzan Ozpetek, and writer-actor Dario Fo ... Words that share, and to which I join, with the hope of improving our school, and not to continue this progressive decline.

"The school is the place par excellence for the exchange of ideas, teachers with other teachers of pupils with other pupils, and especially master teachers and professors with their students and university students - writes Ozpetek -. A teacher or professor has a lot to teach but also to learn, a student or a student has a lot to learn but also to teach. The school is home to all precious and pleasant, a teacher of democracy, respect and solidarity. Place of learning and knowledge, education, the right and duty to learning, empowerment and recognition of merit. So it should be but unfortunately it often is not. To be clear, the school must be public, be open and transparent, free to accommodate the needs of those who prefer to attend the private school. "

Nobel laureate Dario Fo with his wife Franca Rame : " defend the public school because we grew up, made us grow up and why it is the only educational institution that has created a cultural tradition in our country, just think that the ratio of pupils attending public schools and those enrolled in private is 1 million to 50 thousand. "

Peace and good.


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