Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Permanent Resident Welcome Letter


Sunday, November 14 was held in Tolfa in Viterbo, Italy FIGMMA the third pair of grappling, together with the Italian league, first organized by FiGMMA combat grappling. We could not miss.
parties the day before from Molfetta, our cheerful companion, this time there were a large group: Mimmo Vestito, Luigi, Daniela, Lucia Gaudioso al suo esordio sul tatami, e il sottoscritto. Mentre da Modugno, Mattia Gargano e il fratello David, ottimi compagni di viaggio, accompagnavano il neo laureato (auguri ancora!!!) Checco d'Amico, e Aleandro Tristano, un giovane, ma già espertissimo judoka, entrambi alla prima esperienza sul tatami della FIGMMA.
Giungiamo a Roma perfettamente in tempo per le operazioni di peso preliminari, che si sono tenute il sabato, e ci uniamo al resto della squadra... presenti sul campo già dal giorno prima, Andrea Lavaggi di Sestri Levante, Gianluca Boni e Pierandrea di Bologna. Qui il gruppo si compatta, e raggiungiamo Tolfa. Dopo svariati chilometri di stradina a tornanti in the mountains of Tolfa , traveled wrapped in fog, we finally reach the village where we settled in the b & b. A little "rustic" ... but to myself everything is fine. The next day start dancing ... these are the accounts of all the children who attended the event. Some are not able to give a better assessment as some matches I could not follow them, but I try ...

Louis benisimo struggled in my opinion. No objection if not a struggle a little turned off by the looks closed, but otherwise as always able to express themselves freely. He won the first match, lost il secondo, e vince il terzo alla monetina... e si ritrova bronzo, seconda serie, -65kg. Non mancano splendidi take down, e armbar volanti.... peccato non averli chiusi!!!

Mimmo: combatte la prima lotta con un avversario molto bravo, che poi ha vinto il girone senza farsi mettere un punto. Ma con Mimmo le cose non sono così semplici e il match si conclude ala monetina (regola che continuo a definire oscena). Il nostro molosso è stato l'unico a rendere la vita difficile al suo avversario in tutto il torneo. Tecnicamente ho visto una lotta in piedi un pò insicura, e una lotta al suolo buona, ma poca sicurezza dalla mezza guardia... se Mimmo fosse stato a little safer this would have certainly won him the tournament ... as the other opponents were not level.

Lucia a little intimidated in the first match that he played with Daniel, is grown immediately after! Won the second match with an opponent she first experience, and fights like a lioness against Klammesteiner, BJJ purple belt and holder of the national grappling, and Pizzichini, judoka who was very expert. I think Lucia has stood the test of fire, succeeded in placing fourth in a round that he could not climb further, being the first experience. He won the match with an opponent hand experience, and that's what counts ... good Lucy!

Daniela: after a match with Lucy, they will fight against three opponents including Klammesteiner, and judoka Pizzichini. Fighting without being intimidated by Klammesteiner which attempts to frame an armbar but escapes and finds himself immediately to defend against a leglock ... who prefers not to defend to rescue a knee already be marked by struggle. Pizzichini fights against evil del'avversaria very well but the more experienced, they do lose a lever which apparently had beaten her opponent. He lost in a violent opponent mounts too ... that is not short of crushing his face and jaw with your elbows. In my opinion, if Daniel had only the third place was only for lack of malice, and for fear of getting hurt ...

Checco: I watched only the first match, I remember easily dominated, and I must say that for the first time in FIGMMA is not bad, because we seem to have also won another match only to lose the third ... only a lack of experience ... all! fighting is only that you learn to fight ... and we are on the right track. I remember a good control of the mating. Checco Bravo!

Aleandro: the lions of Cerignola, fought two fights in the-65Kg third set, he won both fights by demonstrating expertise in combat and racing experience. Nothing can his opponents against him that is superior both physically and technically. Compared to last time I saw him fight I noticed more attention to the mechanics of grappling, very different from those of judo, it shows the good work Matt did on his boys and in particular on Aleandro. Next time we will fight in the second set ... But we must improve the half-guard and the guard steps.

the undersigned : how always-90kg first round, the category of mythological monsters. I find myself in the category strong judoka Angelo Marino, and the stainless Lamberto Raffi, old friend. I face the first match with Angelo Marino feet ... especially playing (against a judoka?) And end up even. I win the coin.
I wanted to pass the guard, but I found myself facing the opponent back on his feet ... ending in an anaconda choke, the rush to do that one damn point. Anyways! I could beat him, but with itself and with the history, but you do not! Now I have re-examined Raffi ... There are challenges that, as exciting, they make you miss the taste of the competition. Raffi is one of them. In my class, from when I fight, I have always found myself having to face the sacred monster of the moment ... want Morris, Novaes, now Lamberto Raffi. A little disheartened I get on the mat, but decided at the last moment before the start, to play everything and anything. I can pull off two double leg, I hope they win ... but the experience and the strength of a fighter like him are quick to bite, and in less than no time in riding a finish to beat a lever neck.

could have gone better, it is true, but my kids, and even I, we fought to the best of our ability, and we brought home three bronze medals. In the end I can be happy, not only for those 2 takedown that made me dream, but also for bringing the boys on the mat at their first experience ...


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