Monday, February 22, 2010

Pilladas La Calle Gratis


Domenica 21 febbraio 2010 si è tenuto a Firenze il periodico raduno della Rio Grappling Club.
Stavolta, dopo lo stage con il Maestro Serrini, ho voluto essere presente per conoscere da vicino questa squadra. Molto calorosa è stata l'accoglienza che mi è stata riservata, merito anche dei miei amici Pierandrea, already a regular visitor of our dojo Molfetta, Graziano Scarcelli Gianluca Boni and I met on the spot. The feeling that I felt was that of a healthy and friendly environment, a strong spirit of brotherhood and kindness truly unique.
Grande also general technical level, in particular, I appreciated several white belts who gave me a hard time. I have dealt with the transfer Germinario Louis and Daniel Franco.
the end ... surprise!
I did not expect to receive the blue belt. I would have expected a more extensive trial period, stage races and whatever else was necessary to show my sense of belonging to the group. However
so thank you all for the welcome and Bernard for their confidence with this promotion.


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