Sunday, December 26, 2010

Itchy After A Brazilian


Posso finalmente vantarmi di poter ospitare una cintura nera come il Maestro Roberto "Risada" Atalla. Uno stage come I had to organize this for a while, but for various reasons and only now are able to find the right moment.

The internship will consist of two days: Saturday, January 15, from 16.00 to 19.00, the focus will be fighting techniques Nogi, Sunday, Jan. 16, in the same hour, the lecture will focus on practice with the kimono.
The cost of the internship is 25 € for a day, and 40 for both.
Classes will be held soon our office, the gym GYM STUDIO, in Gesmundo n.6, Molfetta.

I am sure that a figure like the Master Atalla will be cause for enthusiasm and encouragement to cope better training to prepare for the European Championships in Lisbon to participate in this year.

I'm waiting!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Como Sincronizo El Remote Con El Itunes


Don Tonino Bello

Beloved, do not obey my duty as a bishop if I told you "Merry Christmas" without giving trouble.
I, however, I want to annoy. In fact, I can not stand the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving to ask innocuous greeting, formal, imposed by the routine schedule.
flatters me even the possibility that someone kicks the sender as junk.

Happy Birthday uncomfortable, then, my dear brothers!

Jesus was born to give you the love life of a sick selfish, absurd, with no vertical forces and grant you to invent a life full of giving, of prayer, silence, courage.

The children sleeping on the straw to take away sleep and face feel the pillow of your bed hard as a rock, until you have given hospitality to an eviction, a Moroccan, in a poor passing.

God who became man makes you feel the worm every time your career becomes an idol of your life, overtaking, the project of your days, back in the next, an instrument of your staircase.

Mary, who found only in the dung of animals with tenderness the cradle where lay the fruit of her womb, forcing it through his eyes hurt to stop the yearning of all the laments Christmas, as long as your conscience hypocritical to accept that the bin trash, the incinerator a clinic to become a grave without a cross of life suppressed.

Joseph, that in dealing with a thousand camera is the symbol of all his father's disappointment, upset booze of your dinners, reproaches the warmth of your bingo, causing short circuits to the wasting of your lights, until you leave undermine the suffering of so many parents who shed tears for their children without a secret fortune, without health, without a job.

The angels promise peace to the war still bring your peace of mind incapable of seeing that sleepy little farther than a span, with the aggravating circumstance of your complicit silence, it consumed injustices, people are evicted, you fabbricano armi, si militarizza la terra degli umili, si condannano popoli allo sterminio della fame.

I Poveri che accorrono alla grotta, mentre i potenti tramano nell’oscurità e la città dorme nell’indifferenza, vi facciano capire che, se anche voi volete vedere “una gran luce” dovete partire dagli ultimi.
Che le elemosine di chi gioca sulla pelle della gente sono tranquillanti inutili.
Che le pellicce comprate con le tredicesime di stipendi multipli fanno bella figura, ma non scaldano.
Che i ritardi dell’edilizia popolare sono atti di sacrilegio, se provocati da speculazioni corporative.

I pastori che vegliano nella notte, “facendo la guardia al gregge ”, and scrutinize the morning, you give a sense of history, the thrill of expectation, the joy of abandonment in God will inspire a deep desire to live in poverty which is the only way to die rich.

Merry Christmas! On our old dying world, hope is born.

Peace and good.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Inviting For Wedding Quotes

still a bit '...

ⓐ ⓝ ⓨ ⓜ ⓞ ⓡ

Heart dazed, disoriented, Bl.
Wrapped of naked truth, intimate and profound,
concealed restlessness of a long narrow,
a delay sighed, eager to get rid of,
deception peace.

Quivering to reveal your secret,
the same time, it preserves and protects.
You, sentinel the beat,
caress the essence and you rest,
between delight and agony,
Can you rock.

Who knows, it will be a chimera,
maybe it will be the charm or the illusion of a moment.
But you, heart, feel the thrill that accompanies it.
You, the plays.

This bond, which takes shape,
that catches me in disbelief and exultant,
plasma is the ultimate goal,
and as an adhesive, unites us,
belt, and in love with a single hug.

still a bit '... Heart.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How Did Pinky Gain That Weight

Hello dear blog-Nauta,
going to get a new birth, another Christmas, and all the things that you drag behind, including gifts, lights, nativity scenes, trees and people "pretends" to be as good.
another Christmas descends upon us, above me, and I do not think that will be different from that of last year, or two years ago, or all years. It comes silently in my life, and comes out even more silent ...
But every time a silence that is good. A silence that must be upheld, and preserved, at least for these days ... A silence that brings the face of a child, poor beggar, who was born in a manger, surrounded by shit and dirty, and the stench: a child born in the dark with no noise, no fuss, no "audience". An invitation to welcome the peace and serenity, stop for a while, away from the noise, listen and contemplate, even a beautiful landscape, or even all the lights on the Christmas decorations ... Staying together the people we love, with more sweetness and devotion to find the time to clarify situations ugly fights gone wrong, fix the problems, enjoy a gesture of affection to give, a hug or a kiss in more that friend, friend, relative, fiancé, wife, husband, etc ... Appreciating things with humility and accept that child in her arms ... To whom we owe (at least I have) our life.

Another Christmas, just like all the others. But another Christmas necessary and indispensable, as everyone else.

Peace and good.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Buy Lovebirds In Chicago

ⓐ ⓝ ⓨ ⓜ ⓞ ⓡ
How soaked clothes, lying on the thread of hope ...
Pending a ray of sunshine that warms them.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sweating During Brazilian Wax


ⓐ ⓝ ⓨ ⓜ ⓞ ⓡ
Di (-) closed rooms is full of the sky ...
Clouds in opposition, as Greatest,
masses of mist, the air spreads
and corrupt, it will stop the final journey.

mawkish goodbyes, consoling returns,
restless expectations. Anxious.
Gli incontri... Bestiali, feroci,
come quadri d'autore incorniciati di follia.

Finestre sbarrate alla Nuova Vita,
nessuna infiltrazione da sigillare,
un chiavistello corazzato, impossibile da scardinare,
luci di cortesia ancora spente in cerca di propulsione.

Noi, passeggeri in affanno ad intervalli regolari,
scanditi da battiti convulsi e palpiti deliranti,
rimaniamo nell'attesa della sosta perpetua,
bramando la destinazione, 
ne assaporiamo, frattanto, la quintessenza.