Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Itchy After Brazillian


Wednesday, November 26 Auditorium

Dinah Bear, in a very crowded room, the popular stock trader Eugenio Benetazzo described in detail the reasons of this "crisis desired by the system" and the best way to defend .

Certainly these days better not trust the big banks, to which the "mistrust" is a must, and today is the investor, to protect their money, which can and must do the "x-rays" to the bank , choosing a less exposed to the risk of collapse.
's import of goods from unscrupulous economy, the exploitation of child labor, products di bassa qualità se non addirittura pericolosi per la nostra salute, sono concausa del difficile momento, ed intanto le istituzioni, come il solito parlano, parlano e parlano ancora senza intervenire sostanzialmente.

Ad inizio della serata è intervenuto il Presidente di LIFE Treviso Mirko Cortina
manifestando la soddisfazione nel veder così tanta adesione da parte del pubblico, ringraziando collaboratori e sponsor. Cogliendo in più l’occasione per illustrare ai numerosi presenti il percorso per l’indipendenza delle Terre Venete occupate illegalmente dallo stato italiano, fino all’attuale ricorso in atto presso la Corte Europea dei Diritti Umani, sensibilizzando inoltre present on our identity and how the historic Venetian phrase "made Italy must make Italians," the President said that we Veneti are not a product manufactured , but the grandparents of our grandparents did not even know what it was Italy , we are historically the Venetian People .

Another concrete proposal and bring forward increase the salaries of our employees rather than pay the deductions to the Italian state . In view of the law 340/71 and 881/77 in demonstration of our rights, we can say " ENOUGH TAXES TO THE STATE AND UNITED WE APPEAL TO THE INTERNATIONAL COURT .

LIFE will be seeking to organize other nights open to all Venetians.

"If a man is not willing to fight for his ideas or his ideas are worth nothing, or he is worthless.
Ezra Pound "