Tuesday, September 30, 2008

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The seizure of 12 September in the LIFE simultaneously Self-government People's seat People's Court and Veneto Veneto then Extraterritorial for officials of the Italian state has been violation of international covenants and was reported to the European Court of Human Rights and the UN .
few days later, from this serious incident, the Italian justice system to reveal, his true likeness, strikes again by litter law and equity.
The Supreme Court in the case of LIFE-Chamber of Commerce, condemns us back to the negative outcome of legal fees with no regard worthy of a fair and impartial.
Companies Venetian Italian courts can not ask why, and under what conditions are required to pay "protection money mafia" improperly called 'right chambers' and if they do, are condemned by the mere fact of having placed demand, and the answer, you Veneti, I will dream! The ruling
here reported, the Tax Commission of Foggia, on an appeal against Chamber of Commerce made by local companies, highlights two important facts.
1) the ruling (the appeal of beautiful studiomarino) condemning the Chamber of Commerce of Foggia to return to the companies 'rights' received was not challenged on appeal by the Chamber of Commerce of Foggia and is, therefore, to all effects executive;
2) the sentence provides that the costs are offset , namely that the applicants pay their lawyers and so does the Chamber of Commerce.
This last point is the proof of the claims LIFE: The third Italian court in proceedings that is not directly related to the administration state and even less if the applicant declares to belong to the People Veneto (L.340/71 art. 2).
that the Chamber of Commerce of Foggia be ordered to return the "right chamber" but not to the negative outcome is a favorable treatment when compared with our causes always without a sentence, but unsuccessful with timely expenditure.
reviews issued by these courts, do you feel are fair and impartial?
In proceedings involving the Directors of the Italian state and a citizen, do you think the Italian court is located in the conditions of impartiality, essential to a fair and impartial?
If the Citizens are the people belonging to the Veneto (L.340/71 art.2), quindi titolare dei diritti garantiti dalla L.881/77, secondo voi può essere giudicato, in territorio veneto, da un giudice italiano in cause che lo contrappongono all’Amministrazione dello stato italiano?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

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Il 26 giugno u.s. in Commissione Tributaria a Treviso, si è discusso uno dei miei ricorsi contro l'IRAP e lo Stato Italiano. Da oltre due anni sto percorrendo la strada del diritto di autodeterminazione del Popolo Veneto e nelle aule giudiziarie di Venezia e di Treviso, questa rivendicazione sta comportando diversi grattacapi ai giudici italiani. Come già a Venezia, anche a Treviso, ho contestato il fatto che io, di nazionalità veneta, per i principi recognized and guaranteed by Italian , 340/71 and 881/77 art.2, the People Veneto, I do not have any obligation to Italian institutions because there are both administrative and self-government institutions (Self-Government of the People Veneto, see site) and judicial (the People's Tribunal Veneto, see website) that I represent and in which I identify as natural.

addition I questioned the fact that the Italian courts, are an expression of an entity, the Italian, illegitimate since its inception and even if they are not, the Italian judges have sworn allegiance to the Italian constitution and also being paid by 'administration dello Stato Italiano risultano essere detentori di obblighi morali e di interessi economici riconducibili ad una delle due parti contendenti (lo Stato Italiano ed io cittadino Veneto). Ne consegue che il giudice italiano non è soggetto terzo nella causa in corso e non si trova nelle condizioni di offrire un giudizio equo ed imparziale . E a questo punto si è aperta una discussione di carattere filosofico-giuridico che ha visto brillante partecipe il mio difensore che ha costretto il Presidente della Commissione Tributaria ad una inequivocabile conclusione: "Ci ritiriamo in consiglio per accertare o meno, la terzietà di questa Commissione Tributaria nel procedimento in corso. Daremo comunicazione delle nostre conclusioni, in forma scritta, all'avvocato difensore." Era il 26 giugno 2008 e fino ad oggi, 1 settembre, non ci è pervenuta alcuna comunicazione, né scritta né verbale .

Questo "ritardo" mi da lo spunto per alcune considerazioni!

La Commissione Tributaria, alla luce di quanto già sentenziato dal Tribunale di Venezia il 20.02.08 (vedi sentenza pagg. 1 - 2 ) che ci ha spalancato le porte della Commissione Europea dei Diritti dell'Uomo, ha due possibilità:

1) dichiararsi impotente, come già Venezia, in una causa sollevata da un Veneto contro lo Stato Italiano, con il rischio di scatenare migliaia di ricorsi di cittadini Veneti contro le istituzioni Italian State against ICI, income tax, IRAP, INPS, INAIL, CCIAA, traffic fines, refuse ...... and subsequent appeals to the European Court;

2) jurisdiction and sentencing, undergoing a further appeal to the European Court for violation of the right of self-determination of the Venetians according to Italian law 340/71 and art.2 L.881/77 and international treaties signed by Italy with the risk of any conviction for the Italian state, as more often happens at the European Court, he ran again in the possibility that thousands of Venetians can repeat what I already did.

It 's a very complex and dangerous situation for the institutions Which could also come up with some Italian decree law with retroactive effect miraculous, but for now let's enjoy these little spells, the result of who had the brilliant idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a Venetian People , a People's Self-Government Authority and a Court of the People Veneto Veneto who managed to jam the machine macchiavelliana par excellence: the Italian Republic. And if this is put in place various obstructions to deny us the sacred right of self-determination, you are all brothers Veneti, be prepared to make the Italian drowning in a sea of \u200b\u200bcomplaints .

Daniele Quaglia
President LIFE Treviso