Wednesday, August 27, 2008

How To Dress A Cellulitis Infection


The catastrophic situation of the INPS social security accounts and the absolute uncertainty for the future of old and new generations require the Authority to Self-Government of the People Veneto a position for serious and effective capture the trust of those who worked and just think of the board and who is working, why is not enslaved in the future debts incurred by the INPS in the present and past .

The current Italian pension system is derived from that applied in the nineteenth-century Prussia of Bismarck, that is, allocation, which is that their pension contributions monthly by today's workers are transferred immediately to current pensioners. Such a system could be better 50 years ago when there were 7 for senior lavoratoti assets contribute and the prospects for life expectancy was much shorter than those of today.

Today, in Italy, the ratio is 1.7 workers per one pensioner active, but if we consider that the government and parastatal bodies do not produce wealth does not increase the upstream contributions, this report comes very close to 1:1 with the result that every real worker in the private sector has borne almost a senior.

The situation is exacerbated by two external factors;

1) the reduction of birth (hence the criminal policy in favor of mass immigration, the only way to keep alive the Italian system and all its parasites );

2) the lives of people that stretches (50 years ago life expectancy was 60 years 75 hours, resulting in pension income increased by 15 years).

Not being able to endlessly raise the retirement age and a steady increase in the number of pensions will also be possible to raise taxes without limit and sooner or later the Italian state will forced to reduce the benefits promised.

The result is that the older generations, with their wealth of acquired rights and guaranteed they will be in conflict with the new existential, which unlike the others, will have no future if not the certainty of a tax burden monstrous and indefensible. Everything becomes clearer if we consider that non-capitalized pension obligations (debts INPS undeclared), according to official OECD, exceed, in Italy, 200% of GDP (GDP are 2 times) . Here is the black hole that will swallow this state, illegitimate since its inception, the public debt from the first generator of its existence seen that the Kingdom of Savoy brought as a dowry a huge debt, which in 150 years of unification has been sucked into the thriving economies of the pre-unification besides generating the current third highest public debt in the world.

self-government People's Veneto is the only political entity on the grounds of not entertaining and it never compromising and blackmailing intattenuto relationships with those classes that are the natural enemy of the privatized system so deeply rooted in Italy, that can and should implement the new national social security system Veneto.

As occurred in other countries, CHILE parent, the enemy of reform of the social classes is that sign of centralization, which draw nourishment and life from the social security system to breakdown.

They can be listed in:

1) the vested interests who would lose their privileges;

2) left-wing ideologues opposed to genetically everything that is private;

3) the bureaucrats of the State Administration of Social Security that would be forced to make a living in private

4) that the unions would be deprived of much part of their political and economic power;

5) the professional politicians opposed to the reduction in the size and powers of the state.

The reform model to inspire them is Chilean or system of individual capitalization.

Currently, the Italian state holds the paychecks of workers through the employer (withholding tax) in the form of social security contributions, 33% of their income. With the reform Veneta these sums will be given all payroll for employees who will be obliged to set aside each month, 10% of their salary (The difference between the current 33% and 10% future salary increases will be) paid into an account funded individual's property. The money will be paid, not the state Veneto, but financial companies that will take care to reinvest in the financial market, the capital raised, with the dual aim: to enter into the world economy constantly new and ongoing resources and to recapitalize the sums invested. The Venetian State is obliged to supervise the companies making investments. The benefit will be huge for the state Veneto economy with a constant flow of new capital for innovation and research, Gross Domestic Product increments unimaginable and Veneto resulting in increased tax entartete with maximum rates of 20% and recapitalization of the major pension funds.

An employee who has accumulated a minimum pension, at least 50% of the average salary of the last decade, will retire without limits of age may work without further obligations to pay social security contributions. The employee can withdraw the funds paid and accrued in a single sum at retirement or liquidation through levies scheduled monthly (annuity). The amounts not collected on death will be available to the heirs.

will guarantee a pension minimum for those who have paid at least 20 years of contributions and who has paid less than 20 years will be guaranteed by the Venetian State, a minimum social pension.


The Italian government must abide by their commitments in respect of all those workers who have paid the Venetian in the coffers of the Italian social security contributions , or providing them with an annuity based on the capital paid or delivering capital provided by taxpayers from the Veneto, appropriately recapitalized, Self-Government Authority of the Veneto people who will decide the appropriate reinvestment. The same also applies to Veneti those citizens who have paid into social security funds do not constitute minimum amounts Italian for the Italian state law for pension purposes.

Daniele Quaglia
President LIFE Treviso

elaborate concepts freely and taken from: "Pensions: reform in order to survive" by Jose Pinera ed. Rubettino-Leonardo Facco